词语大全 科學名詞的英文

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篇首语:敏而好学,不耻下问。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 科學名詞的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Fuck it . " pussy " is a scientific word
操! “逼”是個科學名詞

His works on the field he was speciapzed were very famous

New chinese characters that are used in chinese munities and that are not confined to specific geographical area such as new characters used in scientific terms

" i don ' t understand all this scientific language . i ' d better go see doctor rogers at the medical school and pick his brain ; maybe he can make it clear to me .
這位記者說: “我是不懂這些科學名詞。我還是到醫學院去請教羅杰斯大夫吧,沒準他能把問題給我解釋清楚。 ”

I don ' t understand all this scientific language . i ' d better go see doctor rogers at the medical school and pick his brain ; maybe he can make it clear to me
這位記者說: “我是不懂這些科學名詞。我還是到醫學院去請教羅杰斯大夫吧,耶,沒準他能夠把問題給我解釋清楚。 ”

Though cooperation should be the main factor involved in the course of examining and unifying the technical terms , there have been confpcts in this process in different periods of history



  • 芳芳66886
  • KosEit
  • 总有妞妞想害朕
  • ToRson_
  • 小坏坏
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