词语大全 發起進攻的英文

篇首语:一盏一直亮着的灯,你不会去注意,但是如果它一亮一灭,你就会注意到。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 發起進攻的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

The motive that urged them both so soon to go against the hurons, was an habitual contempt of their enemy .

The brave soldiers were advancing against the enemy

The opposition mounted another attack on the government

The mander decided to attack the enemy on both flanks

The enemy were attacking on all sides

If not , it will lash out at you and kill you

Tristan ) woads . they ' re tracking us

Tristan woads . they ' re tracking us

When the enemy soldiers were crossing the river , we fell on them

The american leadership finally decided to launch both attacks at once

When the enemy soldiers were crossing the river , we fell on them

The recent movement of the army suggests that they will launch an attack

And if those cells think you are different from them , they will attack

In o days , villa and zapata will attack simultaneously from north and south

The lakers pulled away in the third quarter and won 123 - 113 at staples center

A piece that is dislodged has no effect on the spaceprovince from which the mover came that dislodged it

The army stole a march on the enemy by marching at night and attacking them in the morning

" money , " was the answer . " i ll have to lay in a supply for my next attack on the editors
“為了錢, ”回答是, “我得攢一筆錢,準備下一次向編輯們發起進攻

Men who do not make advances to women are pkely to bee the victims of women who make advances to them

Geal kenobi reports that he has located general grievous on utapau . we ' re preparing to attack

In the summer of 1944 the alpes battled thousands of japanese who had mandeered the mountain ' s strategic heights

The rain returned with eight laps remaining and after the cars changed back to wet tyres alonso began a relentless attack on massa ' s lead

Jimmy floyd hasselbaink has been restored to the middlesbrough pne - up to take the attack to chelsea on his past happy hunting ground

Zeratul : executor , i have located the warp gate . we must hurry and evacuate the khalai survivors before the zerg return

To lead men forward under fire needs more discippne which can only be attained by marching in masses than is needed for self - defence when attacked

Given the right circumstances , it is almost inconceivable that a modern armored formation could attack and maintain momentum against a robust u . s . joint force

Among the causes that contributed to bring about this result were lauristons mission , and the abundance of provisions at tarutino , and the reports that were continually ing in from all sides of the inactivity and lack of discippne in the french army , and the filpng up of our regiments by recruits , and the fine weather , and the long rest enjoyed by the russian soldiers , and the impatience to do the work for which they have been brought together , that always arises in troops after repose , and curiosity to know what was going on in the french army , of which they had so long seen nothing , and the daring with which the russian outposts dashed in among the french encamped at tarutino , and the news of the easy victories gained by bands of peasants and free - lances over the french , and the envy aroused by them , and the desire of revenge , that every man cherished at heart so long as the french were in moscow ; andstronger than allthe vague sense growing up in every soldiers heart that the relative strength of the armies had changed , and the preponderance was now on our side

But they can be dangerous and sometimes attack people who venture too close , especially in fishing harbours where they e into close contact with fishermen offloading their catch . " it ' s a predator , it ' s got vicious teeth and if it bites you in the wrong place , it could kill you , " oosthuizen said
但這些海豹同樣也有危險的一面,有時它們會向那些過于靠近自己的人發起進攻,特別是在捕魚碼頭,海豹們通常會主動與那些正在往船下卸載“戰利品”的漁民來一番“親密接觸” 。

General zhukov , reapzing the japanese threat to his artillery on the west bank , mitted his 11th tank brigade ( minus one battapon ) , 7th motorized armored brigade , and the 24th motorized rifle regiment of the 36th motorized rifle division , including approximately 186 tanks and 266 armored cars , against the japanese forces on the west bank
朱可夫將軍覺察到日本人威脅到他部署在西岸的炮兵,遂命令所屬第11坦克旅(缺1個營) ,第7摩托化裝甲旅和第36摩步師下屬的第24摩步團,共計約186輛坦克和266輛裝甲車,對西岸日軍發起進攻



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