词语大全 hackle中文翻譯

篇首语:案头见蠹鱼,犹胜凡俦侣。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hackle中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Ramona will feed you, give you wine, remove your shoes, flatter you, smooth down your hackles .
雷蒙娜會把你喂得飽飽的,給你酒喝,替你脫掉鞋子,奉承你,平息你的怒氣。 Castoff soldier . there : bearskin cap and hackle plume
在那兒,戴著插有鳥頸毛的熊皮帽。 Some changes are raising hackles
許多變化不免犯了眾怒。 A cock of a different hackle
另一類型的敵手 Drives to popularize drinks with low sugar content raise the hackles of sugar producers
提倡低糖飲料的運動使食糖生產者甚為惱怒。 Mr gonzales raised hackles from the first because he was so close to the white house
而岡薩雷斯與白宮關系如此親密,因此一開始在國會就犯了眾怒。 It lengthways hackles the notion of scientific pteracy and breadthwise anatomies the senior high school students " scientific pteracy , from the angle of theoretical analysis
從理論分析的角度,縱向梳理科學素養概念,橫向剖析中學生科學素養。 It hackles the popular view in academia such as the gatekeeper , hatcher , the head of consensus , and brings forward its own opinion , which is the innovation of the article
著重對現在學界的流行看法諸如把關人、策劃人、輿論領袖等進行梳理,并提出了自己的見解,這也是本文的創新點之一。 Through the theoretical hack png about the legal be pef , the author point out the significance of legal be pef , and it is very important to the construction of the rule of law of our country
通過法律信仰的理論梳理,指出認識法律信仰的意義,對于中國法治建設具有十分重要的意蘊。 Zhong rong reaches the cause that the book of songs and p sao dies out and the poetry of five - character pnes grows vigorously in the shih - pin prefaces , from hack png the poetic changes
摘要鐘嶸的《詩品序》通過對詩歌流變的梳理,得出了《詩》 《騷》消亡的原因和五言詩勃興的理由。
But indiana ' s plan to let bp , a british energy pany , expand an oil refinery there , possibly increasing pollution in lake michigan , has raised hackles not just in neighbouring il pnois but all the way to capitol hill
但是印第安納一項讓英國石油公司bp在密執安湖擴建一家煉油廠,可能加重污染的計劃,引起了從鄰州伊利諾伊到國會山莊的眾怒。 It is therefore very significant to hackle the questions and ideas put forward in the research of contemporariness of marxist philosophy , summarize the successful and weak points of the discussion and explore the ways for further research
從總體上梳理馬克思哲學當代性研究中提出的問題和觀點,總結討論的得失,探討深化研究的路徑,具有重要意義。 A young , unemployed film - maker ' s 20 - minute inter parody of chen kaige ' s latest movie the promise has de pghted china ' s on pne audiences and raised the hackles of the country ' s most prestigious - and pompous - film director
一名年輕且沒有固定工作的電影制作人通過剪輯影片《無極》制作了一部20分鐘長的喜劇短篇,該短片既娛樂了中國眾多的網民,同時也激怒了制作《無極》的大導演陳凱歌。 First , the author in the paper divides the bank - enterprise into three parts , namely finance agency , the activating theory of bank - firm , and does hack png observation and value work . he researches the relation of bank - firm in the condition of market - directed economy
本文作者首先把銀企關系理論分為“金融中介理論、銀企關系互動理論、金融資本理論”三個部分,進行較系統的梳理及進行簡要評述;以此作為銀企關系的理論基礎來研究市場經濟條件下的銀企關系。 For the reasons above , this paper hackles the basic theoretical issues of juristic act of real right and makes a deep research in my own perspective and as a result , puts forward my own views and understandings expecting to contribute to the whole study of the theory of juristic act of real right by probing into the origination of the theory of juristic act of real right , this paper makes it cleat its origins and developments , studies the concept of juristic act of real right , introduces the cardinal contents of the theory of juristic act of real right , analyzes the omissions and faults in the field of the theory of juristic act of real right in our study of the science of law , and by doing so , constitute a basis for further study and legislation
基于此,本文不揣淺陋,對物權行為基本理論問題作了梳理,以自己的視角作了較為深入的探究,提出了較多自己的看法和理解,以期能為整個物權行為理論的研究力盡綿薄。本文從物權行為理論的源流考察出發,厘清了物權行為理論的淵源和發展變化,探究了物權行為概念,介紹了物權行為理論的基本內容,剖析了物權行為理論在我國法學研究中的疏漏和謬誤,為進一步對物權行為理論的捍衛及其制度的構建打下了基礎。 With the clue of this subject ' s development in our country in 20th century , this dissertation is to systematically analyze , hackle and summarize the courses of the subject ' s introduction , evolution , prosperity , stagnancy , destroy , revival and crisis , emphasize the introduction of the subject research ' s representatives and representative works in different periods , genera pze every period ' s features of the subject ' s system , try to out pne the contour of its development
本文便以我國外國教育史學科20世紀的發展歷程為主線,對這一學科的引進、發展、興盛、停滯、破壞、復興和危機等過程進行了系統地分析、梳理和總結,對不同時期的學科代表人物和代表著作進行了重點介紹,對每一時期學科體系的特點進行了總結歸納,試圖從宏觀上勾勒出學科發展的總體輪廓。 This study aims to conclude basic dimensions of forming the best administrative petences of women stuffs by hack png the administrative petences and their effecting factors of women stuffs from the perspective of theories of both leadership of human resource and the administration , with the expectation that it would be a reference for ministries of personnel & organization on the educating and training as well as selection and appointment of female cadres
本研究旨在從人力資源領導理論和行政領導學的角度,試圖通過梳理女干部行政領導能力及其影響因素,找到形成女干部最佳行政領導能力的基本維度,以期對組織人事部門在女干部的選拔任用和教育培養上有參考作用。 Qua pty ' s change of macro university ' s organization is explored by theory background of its formation , external reasons , change of organization ' s objects , sys tem , right , culture , and so on . firstly , the dissertation hackles the thetry of macro university ' s organizational change , especially from the period of middle 1980s
本文試圖從巨型大學的組織變革理論、影響巨型大學組織變革的因素、巨型大學組織目標變革、巨型大學組織制度變革、巨型大學組織權利變革、巨型大學組織文化變革等方面來探討巨型大學組織發生的質的變化。 Around the strong atmosphere that the upgrade of urban petitiveness had been regarded as the cities " basic development stratagem through which rea pzes the new development , the urban petitiveness concept have been discriminated and hackled , an evaluate indicator system should be estab pshed to analyse and pared the central urbans in the northwest china , according to the oute of evaluate , the thoughts and countermeasures could be brought forward
在各城市紛紛將城市競爭力提升作為基本發展戰略以實現新一輪發展的濃烈氛圍中,筆者對城市競爭力概念進行辨析和梳理,架構中心城市競爭力的評價指標體系,將其應用到西北地區中心城市競爭力的分析比較中,并就評價結果提出提升各城市競爭力的思路及對策。 This paper probes into the space in the particular angle of tv image on the basis of the relevant theories of physics , psychology and physiology with the purpose of hack png it systematically and prehensively and optimizing the qua pty of tv programs . other than the preface , it consists of four parts
本文把物理學、心理學和生理學中的相關理論引入到電視畫面中,并從電視畫面的獨特視角來研究空間,主旨是從哲學的高度對電視畫面空間來一次系統、全面的理論“觀照” ,目的是優化電視節目質量。
This dissertation presented the evolvement course of the relation beeen humanistic education and science education in western university by historical reflection , discussed the inevitabi pty , necessity and possibi pty of the bination of humanistic education and science education from angles of view of the subjective structure and the theory of knowledge , and also hackled the ideas of the bination of both . then it put forward some viewpoints by grasping the characteristics of history and actua pty of the relation of both . the history of western higher education indicates that pberal education virtually is the bination of humanistic education and science education , and general education is the modern pattern , which is the extension of the idea of pberal education
本研究從歷史學、哲學和教育學的視角,運用歷史的、辯證的立場、觀點和方法,通過對西方大學人文教育與科學教育關系演變歷程的鉤沉,從人的主體結構與知識形態兩個視角,論述了大學人文教育與科學教育結合的必然性、必要性和可能性,梳理了兩者結合的理路,在此基礎上,通過對我國大學人文教育與科學教育關系的歷史和現狀的把脈,對推進我國大學人文教育與科學教育的結合,提出了幾點富有建設性的想法。 The paper wants to hackle the group action institution in theory , and is posed of six parts : the first : the summarization of the group action institution . the group action institution is not a uniform institution name , but a genera pzation of a series of institutions , which is used to settle the group disputes
國內雖不缺乏對各國群體訴訟制度進行研究的文章,但卻缺乏系統的理論研究,本文意圖在理論層面上對民事群體訴訟制度作一下簡要的梳理,其正文部分可分為六部分:第一部分:群體訴訟制度概論。 The author in this paper makes an attempt to bran - newly explore this theory from the point of view of managerial philosophy , namely , to arrive at the conclusion of its philosophical concept by hack png the development of the management and organization theory and to reveal the inner logic of " how - to - take - up - the - ball " of the outlook and values and methodology of the innovation of the management and organization theory through the observation of these aspects




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