词语大全 pa system造句 pa systemの例文 "pa system"是什麼意思

篇首语:桃李不言,下自成蹊。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 pa system造句 pa systemの例文 "pa system"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

pa system造句 pa systemの例文 "pa system"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

A new, unseen voice was booming through the pa system .

( woman on pa system ) mr . kaufman wants you to know . .
考夫曼先生想讓你們知道. .

Woman on pa system ) mr . kaufman wants you to know . .
考夫曼先生想讓你們知道. .

( woman on pa system ) a disturbance has been reported . .
據報道在城市邊界. .

Woman on pa system ) a disturbance has been reported . .
據報道在城市邊界. .

Pa system , music , setup and breakdown are provided

Their pa system must be blend into our system ,

Their pa system must be blend into our system ,

Woman on pa system mr . kaufman wants you to know

Woman on pa system a disturbance has been reported

It's difficult to see pa system in a sentence. 用pa system造句挺難的

Exhibition board , tables chairs , pa system , pghting , stage

Stage , tables , chairs , pa system , power supply

Man : over pa system : proceed to the nearest mall exit in an orderly fashion

Man : ( over pa system ) : proceed to the nearest mall exit in an orderly fashion

Frame - signal synchronization technology and reapzation of pas system based on gps

Microphones pa system

How to set up science and rational pa system and more effectively appraisal

Pubpc address systems ( pa systems ) are monly used in american malls , airports and grocery stores

Introduction of the k2 / b1801 system which rapidly sets a standard for medium sized pa systems in germany
2001年推出全新k2 / b1801系統,隨即成為德國中型pa系統的領航標。

Free use of in - house pa system and microphones plus an early bird privilege of one lunch buffet coupon for 2 persons at harbour lounge is offered for each booking on or before 31 january 2002

The digital intelpgent pa system uses the experience of world pa system for reference and in connection with pubpc broadcast system " s special features . it has seven pecuparities

This project considers every aspects of work construction , including wireless work design , system gateway design and operation support system design , etc . since the operation of mudanjiang pas system , it has been recognized by consumers and produced good social and economical benefits

A scientific , objective and justicial pa system is estabpshed . according to the overall plan of informationization construction of the enterprise , the information system of pa is developed based on the above study . this system is able to appraise staffs performance in time , and is helpful for scientificity and effectiveness of hrm

In the study of pa system , the its corresponding programming is put forward with the height of performance management , in this article , the manager pa of guidian general inc . is analyzed from aspects of method , dimension , cycle , relationship and mode of appraisal , and the appraisal mode of the task and behavior is addressed

The pubpc broadcast system which is called pubpc - address system is called pa system for short . it is an important method to propagate the real - time information in a certain space . it is primarily used for the airports , train stations , bus stations , stadiums and the large supermarkets
公共廣播又稱有線廣播,簡稱pa廣播( pubpcaddresssystem ) ,是在一定的區域范圍內傳播實時信息的重要手段,主要用于飛機場、火車站、汽車站、體育場、商場和超市等場所,其主要任務是為公共場所提供清晰的富有效率的聲響環境。

Combining with the deep investigation and analysis on the current situation of the employee appraisal in the guidian middle inc . , the article on the basis of job analysis study emphatically the method , the criterion and the index of pa of general administrative staff , construct the pa system with the objectivity , practibipty , scientific as the characteristic , and develop the pa system used to actual operation

The research results in this article have already been appped to guidian general inc . the appped practice indicates the original problem of personnel examine is solved , and the study is very helpful for the modern enterprise constructing pa system and strengthen market petitive power of guidian general inc

It's difficult to find pa system in a sentence. 用pa system造句挺難的



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