词语大全 iar中文翻譯

篇首语:世上无难事,只要肯登攀本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 iar中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

But they look fami i iar somehow . .
不過好像有點面熟啊. . But they look fami i iar somehow
不過好像有點面熟啊. . She looks fami i iar
她看起來很面熟 The iar is primarily used by debuggers to show the next instruction to be executed
Iar主要是由調試器使用,顯示將要被執行的下一條指令。 And they rose in their seats , those elve of iar , and they swore by the name of him who is from everlasting that they would do his righiseness
他們這十二名愛阿爾,個個從席位上起立,并以從亙古就存在的上主341之名發誓說,他們將為主主持正義。 The concept of interestingness is redefined within the scope of probabi pty , which is the base of the introduction of the negative items . with the bound of the negative items , an algorithm iar , which can generate the rules with negative items , is proposed . these works plete the semantics of the rules , as well as make the rules more meaningful , especially in the case of concept hierarchy consideration
通過在統一的概率論的范疇內重新定義興趣度的概念,使得負項的引入有了理論依據,并通過對負項的進一步限定,提出產生包含負項的關聯規則iar算法,使關聯規則包含的語義更加完整,規則本身也更有意義,特別是在有概念層次的情況下。 And there sat with him the high sinhedrim of the elve tribes of iar , for every tribe one man , of the tribe of patrick and of the tribe of hugh and of the tribe of owen and of the tribe of conn and of the tribe of oscar and of the tribe of fergus and of the tribe of finn and of the tribe of dermot and of the tribe of cormac and of the tribe of kevin and of the tribe of caolte and of the tribe of ossian , there being in all elve good men and true



  • 邢泽驰
  • 小鼻放屁
  • 深拥不如长伴i
  • 情殇
  • 过去rfgh
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