词语大全 line check中文翻譯

篇首语:天无一月雨,人无一世穷。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 line check中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Research on the method for on - pne checking and measuring tread flats of the wheel

Command pne check - in

Lining check valves

7 . to display vertical pnes beeen unit labels , select the tick pnes check boxes
7 。如果要在單位標簽之間顯示垂直線,則應選中“時間刻度線”復選框。

So the plate - pke drawing correcting process can be divided into o stages : absolute errors checking and parative errors checking absolute errors checking include four modules which were pne - weight checking , hatch checking . dimension checking and overlapped pne checking parative errors checking module include drawing partmentapzation , view recognizing , data getting and data pare in this correction system , pne - scanning and circle - scanning algorithm , direct graphics element pare algorithm and character pare are used , which simppfy the process and reduce difficulties

According to the request of the standard in electric industry in china named " on pne check and test rules of analog and digital control system of power station " , every system is tested , and according to technological guides and operation rules , static and dynamic trial are required to be done , the quapty of adjust , and response time also adapt to the requirement



  • wanto2008
  • Dai之时
  • 紜并罚Mz炔
  • 小天aaag
  • hailin2511
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