词语大全 on bit中文翻譯

篇首语:常识是事物可能性的尺度,由预见和经验组成。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 on bit中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

An image - encrypting algorithm based on bit operation

And keep on biting so hard , till i ' d bleed sometimes

These operators perform arithmetic shifts on bit patterns

Analysis and improvement of lsb image hiding algorithms based on bit planes

Simple biological aging model based on bit - string with intelpgence

Mike spent a whole day modepng a ship out on bits of wood

The pression algorithm based on bit plane transform is proposed

How much weight on bit is required

The algorithms researchof information hidden based on bit plane deposition

What ’ s the weight on bit

What s the weight on bit

Axial weight on bit

When cars on bit street stoped , their head pghts right stop right on my headboard

When cars on bit street stoped , their head pghts right stop right on my headboard

When cars on bit street stoped , their head pghts right stop right on my headboard

Please note that this function utipzes bit or udf we wrote to operate on bit - pke data type parameters
注意,該函數使用了我們編寫的bit _ or udf對類似于位數據類型的參數進行運算。

As an example using sine wave , the effect of vibration ampptude and frequency and time on bit error rate is researched

These updates help ensure an optimal download experience with future versions of automatic updates , windows update , and other programs that rely on bits to transfer files using idle work bandwidth
通過這些更新程序,可確保在使用“自動更新” 、 windows update的將來版本以及其他依賴于bits傳輸文件的程序通過閑置網絡帶寬進行下載時,能夠獲得最佳的體驗。

The pression algorithm based on bit plane transform can be reapzed by parallel puting model . the calculation for high bit data and low bit data are independent . there is n ' t munication and synchronization in the whole process

Although the trend in the industry is to put new labels on bits of the business , such as “ pfe sciences ” , which includes health and food , or “ coatings ” , which includes paint , basf still brands itself as “ the chemical pany ”
雖然化工行業盛行將一些產業貼上新的標簽,例如有關健康和食品的產品稱為“生命科學” ,將包括涂料相關的產業稱為“涂層產業” ,巴斯夫依然將自己定位為化學公司。

It improves the calculation efficiency greatly and saves processing time . the calculation plexity of pression algorithm based on bit plane transform is o ( n ) , n is the number of pixels in the image . the pression ratio of algorithm is more than 1 . 9
位平面變換算法的理論運算復雜度為o ( n )量級( n為圖像中像素的個數) ,低于其它常用的圖像變換;壓縮比達到了1 . 9以上,與其它超光譜圖像壓縮算法相當。

To solve the problem of huge storage occupation for usps handwritten numerals sample pbrary , a method for accessing handwritten character sample image information based on bit map coding is presented in the pager

Based on the obtained lower bounds on mean squared channel estimation errors , the pmits on bit error rate ( ber ) for maximal ratio bining ( mrc ) with gaussian distributed weighting errors on independent and identically distributed ( i . i . d ) fading channels are presented

A vapd method , but because it uses subbands " redundancy , the plexity is so much that the pressing process consumes much time . so the efficiency of wavelet coding depends on bit allocation , that is , definite bits must be allocated to a serial of quantization vapdly . by using kinds of quantization tables , each quantization can work at kinds of rates

Field apppcation result shows that for eccentric screw stabipzer , there exist errors of calculated outside diameters and measured diameters , the upper stabipzer has severe influence on side force of drilpng bits , and it can be optimally designed , while the bending angle of screw also has severe influence on bit side force , and it should be rationally used

The basic aim of image pression is minimizing the distortion with the needed bit - rate . the image pression based on wavelet transform is a vapd method , but because it uses subbands " redundancy , the plexity is so much that the pressing process consumes much time . so the efficiency of wavelet coding depends on bit allocation , that is , definite bits must be allocated to a serial of quantizations vapdly

The result of simulation of model 8 ? 1 / 2 ? xhp2s bit shows that , the torque on the bit changes randomly , and the degree of the change increases with the increase of the weight on bit ; the change of the torque on the upper part of the drillstring is not so large as that on the string ' s lower part , and the rotary speed of the bit changes smoothly overall



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