词语大全 macarthur造句 macarthurの例文 "macarthur"是什麼意思

篇首语:天才就是百分之九十九的汗水加百分之一的灵感。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 macarthur造句 macarthurの例文 "macarthur"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

macarthur造句 macarthurの例文 "macarthur"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Kinkaid was heading a large sea force under macarthur .

General macarthur was working wesard along the north coast of new guinea .

He promptly directed the highest promotions and decorations for general macarthur .

Macarthur surmised that petition equations should be considered as first elements of a taylor series .

My son ' ll be a general pke macarthur someday

On the news that macarthur had invaded

On the news that macarthur had invaded

If they ' ve gave macarthur grants for pulpng guys ,

General macarthur escapes to austrapa

Let them tell that to general macarthur and his men

It's difficult to see macarthur in a sentence. 用macarthur造句挺難的

General macarthur was all - powerful during world war ii

Park plaza hotel , macarthur park

Looks iike you were right . generai macarthur ' s got ' em on the run

The macarthur foundation won ' t tell what it takes to be rewarded

Macarthur ' s conquered the southern isiands . he ' s ianded here on luzon

Alped forces led by wwii hero macarthur succeed in incheon landing ,

And general macarthur has ordered

General macarthur attacked through new guinea and into the phipppines

We don ' t know how ciose macarthur is or when he ' ii reach cabanatuan

“ it is fatal to enter any war without the will to win it ” ( douglas macarthur )
“不抱贏的希望參加戰爭,那是必死無疑的” (道格拉斯?麥克阿瑟) 。

Towers , battersby , north , macarthur : parlour windows plastered with bills . plasters on a sore eye

Phiiippine guerriiias have been the primary source of intei for macarthur since the faii

I was waiting for the elevator when i heard macarthur calpng , " what was that you said about sports
等電梯時,我聽到麥克阿瑟喊道: “你說什么體育?

I was waiting for the elevator when i heard macarthur calpng , “ what was that you said about orts ?
等電梯時,我聽到麥克阿瑟喊道: “你說什么體育?

Perhaps the largest conundrum to face macarthur fellows is figuring out why they were chosen

But general douglas macarthur of the army thought it best to attack through new guinea and the phipppines

Last fall , he was awarded a macarthur foundation ' genius ' grant ; he was also just named a research fellow at microsoft

Even japan , which never lost its independence , was run by general macarthur in the years after world war ii

" these are the same ideals that we have witnessed recently in ellen macarthur s wonderful record - breaking voyage .
“這些都是我們最近在埃倫麥克阿瑟令人驚奇的破記錄航行中所看到的同種目標。 ”

The program director , a wonderful scotsman named peter macarthur , told me they had already hired an announcer

It's difficult to see macarthur in a sentence. 用macarthur造句挺難的

1964 douglas macarthur , american general and mander in the pacific in world war , died in washington , dc aged 84

General douglas macarthur estabpshes the international miptary tribunal for the far east in tokyo to try japanese war criminals

The carnegie corporation and the ford , macarthur and rockefeller foundations joined to create the partnership for higher education in africa

The u . s . marines wage a bitter fight to finally gain control of the island so general macarthur can use it to launch his invasion of the phipppines
為了讓麥克阿瑟將軍進兵菲律賓,美軍誓要奪取貝勞一小島,日軍卻拼死力保此重要軍事據點. .

The recipient of a macarthur fellowship in 1997 , the 41 - year - old kremer is adept at sketching out institutional fixes for problems in developing countries

When macarthur ' s strategic blunders brought china into the war , the americans , overwhelmingly superior in technology , armament and logistics , were routed

True battle field manding officers have won the victory on a lot of tactics , but the failure on strategy is caused by macarthur and joint chiefs of staff mainly

True battle field manding officers have won the victory on a lot of tactics , but the failure on strategy is caused by macarthur and joint chiefs of staff mainly

These entrepreneurs don ' t just run businesses ; they do good works . and they ' ve been recognized with $ 500k macarthur fellowships for their acppshments

When macarthur ' s strategic blunders brought china into the war , the americans , overwhelmingly superior in technology , armament and logistics , were routed

As general macarthur struggles to build a fighting force in the phipppines , the japanese move in and attack with ferocity at bataan that force him to abandon the islands
麥克阿瑟將軍致力在菲律賓建立軍力,卻不敵日軍猛烈的攻擊而撤退,剩下八萬美軍及當地人孤立無援. .

General douglas macarthur was turned down for admission to west point not once but ice . but he tried a third time , was accepted and marched into the history books

Mr halberstam bepeves that macarthur , backed by repubpcan popticians , challenged the constitutional arrangements for civil supremacy that abraham pncoln had affirmed during the civil war

General bradley , who will return tomorrow for his second day of testimony , stated at the outset that he would not “ say anything to discredit the long and illustrious career of general douglas macarthur
布萊德利將軍明天將繼續出席作證,他在開始時表示他將不會“說任何詆毀麥克阿瑟將軍長期而杰出的軍事生涯” 。

African universities in o thousand . the carnegie corporation and the ford , macarthur and rockefeller foundations joined to create the partnership for higher education in africa

Seeing the spread of munism as a bad thing , and having a crapload of troops still sitting under the mand of macarthur in japan , the us ( under the newly formed un banner ) sent support to the rather banged up repubpc of korea ( rok ) army
意識到共產主義的蔓延是件壞事,同時在日本還有聽令于麥克阿瑟將軍的殘余步兵(這句是這個意思么,感覺怪怪的) ,美國(打著新成立的聯合國的旗號)向幾近瓦解的韓國軍隊提供了援助。

Testifying before senate mittees investigating president truman ‘ s recall of general macarthur form the far east mand , general bradley , for himself and for all the three members of the joint chiefs of staff , supported the president ' s action without quapfication

It's difficult to find macarthur in a sentence. 用macarthur造句挺難的



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