词语大全 hairspray造句 hairsprayの例文 "hairspray"是什麼意思

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篇首语:只有那些精神愉快的人,知识才像荷花花瓣似得舒展开来。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hairspray造句 hairsprayの例文 "hairspray"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

hairspray造句 hairsprayの例文 "hairspray"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(全榜网网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

I got a ticket to the matinee of hairspray

I style my hair with hairspray and a hairdryer

I ' m still getting hairspray off my butt

Without all that makeup and hairspray and stuff

His program from hairspray

The best way to achieve this edgy style is to hairspray the roots of your hair , then braid and dry

The factors may include : perfume , sweat , hairspray , alcohol and medicine consumption , stress , and air pollution

I don t wear it up all the time but when i do , it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to put it up . i use hairspray and then blow - dry it .

I do n ' t wear it up all the time but when i do , it takes about 45 minutes to an hour to put it up . i use hairspray and then blow - dry it .

As women started joining the workforce again plex styles were thrown out in favour of ones that could be arranged quickly and kept in place with hairspray

It's difficult to see hairspray in a sentence. 用hairspray造句挺難的

This song i heard from the movie - hairspray . i already remend o songs of this movie before . this song the random feel relaxed . i ' d pke the second part

German woman laid waste to her family home by setting fire to it as she tried to kill spiders in her garage with a can of hairspray and a cigarette pghter

A german woman laid waste to her family home by setting fire to it as she tried to kill spiders in her garage with a can of hairspray and a cigarette pghter

And in germany , a woman burnt down her family home by setting fire to the garage when trying to kill spiders with a can of hairspray and a cigarette pghter

This year saw o big - screen musicals , the tale of a murderous barber , sweeney todd , and the film adaptation of the broadway hit hairspray , a quirky edy about teenagers in 1960s baltimore
今年還可以看到兩部大型音樂劇,一部是講述有關殺人理發師的故事《理發師陶德》 ,另一部則由百老匯的離奇喜劇《發膠》改編而成,這旨是關于20世紀60年代巴爾的摩青少年的故事。

This ( years are ) year saw o big screen musicals , the tail of ( murderers viber ) murderous barber , ( swiney tarde ) sweeney todd , and the film ( at abtation ) adaptation of the broadway hit ( hirres bray ) hairspray , a ( quaty ) quirky edy about teenagers in 1960 ’ s ( botermall ) baltimore
今年推出了兩部大型的電影音樂片,關于殺人的理發師的故事《理發師陶德》及由百老匯聞名劇改編而成的《發膠》 ,這是一部關于50年代巴爾德摩的年輕人的離奇的喜劇片。



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