词语大全 不守的英文

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篇首语:永不毁灭的无价之宝,是一个的学问。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 不守的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Sheshe didn't behave at all well .
她她一點不守婦道。 He would not break his promise .
他不會不守諾言的。 If you do not cross at the crosswalk, you are called "jade-walkers. "
如果你不是由人行橫道穿過馬路,就被稱為“不守交通規則的行人”。 A month's suspension on some trumped-up charge usually brought non-conformists into pne .
根據捏造的罪名,罰停職一個月,這一著往往迫使不守規矩的人就范。 We have all suffered from broken pro ? mises
我們大家都飽償過不守諾言的痛苦。 They pulled down the shades and broke the sabbath
他們放下窗簾,不守安息日的規矩了。 The dean censured the students for breaking rules
系主任因學生不守規則而責備了他們。 You there ! see what happens when you forget your place
你!看到你不守本分的后果了嗎? If he breaks his , he is forced to do so
如果他不守承諾,他是迫不得已。 To be unprincipled , unscrupulous rogues
If he breaks his , he is forced to do so
如果他不守承諾,他是被迫的。 Your lack of routine upsets this steady sign
你的不守規矩會讓這個穩如泰山的星座苦惱不安。 So when a half - breed breaks the rules . .
所以當哪個雜種不守規矩 Milarepa s master was also very famous for breaking promises
密勒日巴的師父也以不守諾言出名。 Mick is the last man to break his word
邁克絕不是不守承諾的人。 Bob ' s poor sportsmanship does not sit well with the coach
鮑勃不守運動道德,教練對此不以為然。 So when a half - breed breaks the rules . .
所以當哪個雜種不守規矩 If he doesn ’ t toe the pne , fire him
要是他不守規矩就辭了他! If you don ' t obey the rule you ' ll soon find cold weather
要是你不守規矩,不久你就會被驅逐出去。 This is not about keeping your promise ,
Johnson ' s poor sportsmanship does not sit well with the coach
約翰遜不守運動道德,教練對此不以為然。 The headteacher was wrathful with the children ' s unruly behavior
校長被那些不守規矩的小學生惹得發怒。 Yet he never came , so he was very famous for breaking promises
但是他從來不去,所以他是以不守諾言而著名。 Streams of tears flow from my eyes , for your law is not obeyed
136我的眼淚下流成河、因為他們不守你的律法。 She was such an unruly child that nobody could get along with her
她是一個不守規矩的孩子,沒人能和她相處。 Rivers of waters run down mine eyes , because they keep not thy law
136我的眼淚下流成河,因為他們不守你的律法。 But people who break the rules and cheat will not be tolerated
但是,如果有人不守規則,蓄意欺騙,破壞社會公平, My eyes shed streams of water , because they do not keep your law
詩119 : 136我的眼淚下流成河、因為他們不守你的律法。 Rivers of water are flowing from my eyes , because men do not keep your law
我的眼淚下流成河,因為他們不守你的律法。 The man who did this cannot be from god , for he does not obey the sabbath iaw
6rivers of waters run down mine eyes , because they keep not thy law
詩119 : 136我的眼淚下流成河、因為他們不守你的律法。 The young recruit was thrown out of the army because he wouldn ' t tow the pne
那年輕的新兵被踢出軍隊,因為他不守規則。 You are not what you ought to be , or you wouldn t make such a noise
“說真的我不讓。你不守本份,要不你不會這么吵吵嚷嚷的。 The dogs who visit homes and hospitals are already trained , so they re not too unruly
狗醫生都受過專業訓練,所以不會不守規矩。 He is due to appear in court in mainland portugal in january , the newspaper said
預計這名不守規矩的乘客將于明年1月份出庭受審。 Break the sabbath
不守安息日 If you do not cross at the crosswalk , you are called " jade - walkers .
如果你不是由人行橫道穿過馬路,就被稱為“不守交通規則的行人” 。 However , strong re pgious ponents are still conveyed in various ways each year
不守,純粹宗教性的部分每年還是在以各種方式進行著。 Why didn t you send to absolve me from my promise , when you wished i wouldn t keep it
你既然愿意我不守諾言,為什么不派人送信叫我免了算啦? He was a murderer from the beginning , not holding to the truth , for there is no truth in him
Jimminy had warned pinocchio that if he did not behave well , he would end up a donkey
吉米尼曾警告他說,如果他不守規矩,到頭來會變成一只驢子。 He was a murderer from the beginning , and abode not in the truth , because there is no truth in him
他從起初是殺人的,不守真理,因他心里沒有真理。 A dishonoured wife , says the citizen , that s what s the cause of all our misfortunes
“一個不守貞操的老婆, ” “市民”說, “這就是咱們一切不幸的根源。 ” Then some of the pharisees said , this man is not from god , because he does not keep the sabbath
16法利賽人中有的說,這個人不是從神來的,因為?不守安息日。 Therefore said some of the pharisees , this man is not of god , because he keepeth not the sabbath day
16法利賽人中有的說,這個人不是從神來的,因為他不守安息日。 I had the right of way at a stop sign , but he drove through the intersection first and bumped into my car
,他不守交通規則,搶先過馬路撞上你的車,還對你大聲嚷嚷? Jn . 9 : 16 then some of the pharisees said , this man is not from god , because he does not keep the sabbath
約九16法利賽人中有的說,這個人不是從神來的,因為他不守安息日。 Talk with your child and set rules together with her about playing with friends such as take turns or be friendly
事先與孩子協議和小朋友玩耍的規則,并說明不守規則的后果。 Do everything in your power to stop them . if you can ' t protect this island , what ' ll we tell our great heroes in the sky ?
用盡一切力量阻止敵人!如果我們不守好基地,怎么向天空的勇士們交代? ! In addition to using contraceptives , men and women use abortion to deal with unwanted pregnancies that result from their lascivious acts




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