词语大全 yankee造句 yankeeの例文 "yankee"是什麼意思

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篇首语:积累知识,胜于积累金银。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 yankee造句 yankeeの例文 "yankee"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

yankee造句 yankeeの例文 "yankee"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

His brisk manner branded him a yankee .
他舉止麻利,一看就是個北方佬。 We sang these pnes to the tune of yankee doodle .
我們用揚基歌的曲調唱這幾句歌詞。 A connecticut yankee is similarly uneven .
《在亞瑟王朝廷里的康涅狄格州美國人》也同樣瑕瑜互見。 Well the yankees ate babies and the rebs starved prisoners .
是啊,北方佬吃孩子,南方佬虐待俘虜。 The old yankees stopped at nothing to subjugate the irish immigrants .
老美國佬不顧一切地要制服愛爾蘭移民。 There was a shrewd yankee in emerson, a blunt fellow who could strip an occasion to its essence .
愛默生有美國佬的那種精明,那份單刀直入的耿直。 One yankee business-man had been overheard asking the po pce why they didn't use tear-gas .
有人聽見一個做生意的美國佬在問警察為什么不用催淚彈。 There was a shrewd yankee in emerson, a blunt fellow who could strip an occasion to its essence .
愛默生有揚基人的那份精明,那份單刀直入的耿直。 Mark ain poked fun at it in a connecticut yankee in king arthur's court .
馬克吐溫在《在亞瑟王朝廷里的一個康涅狄格州揚荃》一本書中對它取笑。 In his "history of new york", irving pictured it as a region of unscrupulous yankee traders .
歐文在《紐約外史》里把它描寫成利欲熏心的楊基商人群集之地。 It's difficult to see yankee in a sentence. 用yankee造句挺難的 The young peutenant expounds the roving yankee who ventures forth boldly, expecting the fairest of every land as his reward .
年輕的上尉大肆宣揚美國佬走遍全球到處尋歡作樂的冒險精神。 Finally a courier came up from jonesboro with the reassuring news that the yankees had been beaten back .
直至有一個傳令兵從鐘氏坡來,方才給了她們一個比較確實的消息。據那傳令兵說:鐘氏坡的北佬被擊退了。 Then we gotta play the yankees in the house of pain
然后就能和洋基隊一決雌雄了 The victory was the second straight for the yankees
這是洋基連續的第二場贏球。 Lou gerrig on the last day he played with the yankees
是去年在楊基隊打球的路格維 Ray bullock and our returning champs , the yankees
雷布洛克和他的衛冕冠軍洋基隊 We sang these pnes to the tune of yankee doodle
我們用揚基歌的曲調唱這幾句歌詞 Castro will kick out all the yankee panies
卡斯特羅會趕跑所有的美國公司的Yankees are known for being direct and pracical people
北方佬的特點是直率和務實 Take that yankee down and you ' d get a medal
A . e . has been tel png some yankee interviewer
Ae曾對前來采訪的美國記者這么說過。 George : wow ! it ' s the yankees cap i wanted
喬治:哇,這是我想要的那頂洋基隊球帽! Favorite teams : chicago bulls , new york yankees
喜愛的球隊:芝加哥公牛隊紐約楊基隊 And at the bottom of the sixth , yankees lead 8 to 5 ,
第六局的最后階段洋基隊8 : 5領先 Must be that yankee dancing with my brother
一定是那個和我兄弟跳舞的美國人 And now she expects me to miss a yankees game
現在又想我去放棄去看和洋基隊的比賽? Now batting for the yankees , number 10 , jimmy wilkins
洋基隊擊球10號,吉米威金斯 Get up ! get out of here , quick ! the yankees are ing
起來!快離開這里!北佬來了 Now batting for the yankees , number 10 , jimmy wilkins ,
洋基隊擊球10號,吉米威金斯 And at the bottom of the sixth , yankees lead 8 to 5
第六局的最后階段洋基隊8 : 5領先 It's difficult to see yankee in a sentence. 用yankee造句挺難的 For all those blue - bel ped yankees back east ,
說給所有東邊兒那些有藍肚子的新英格蘭人 For all those blue - bel ped yankees back east ,
說給所有東邊兒那些有藍肚子的新英格蘭人 The effort wasn ' t helped by the yankees ' baserunning
洋基的跑壘也不幫忙。 And i was going to wait for a yankee game to do this
我想等到揚基隊比賽的時候再求婚 What ' s your plan , ask her at a yankee game
你的計劃是什么,在揚基隊的比賽現場求婚? She was proud that she never talked with a yankee
她很驕傲她從來沒有和北方佬說過話。 - damn right , - i call this nail the yankee skulls ,
-真他媽對-我管這釘子叫"北佬的腦殼 ( man ) bring home some yankee scalps , swimmer ,
帶些北佬的頭皮回來,斯維默 Some yankees were more impressed than others
有些洋基人對松井印象深刻。 Yankee captain grab their boots and rifles ! let ' s move on
( soldier 2 ) yeah , a real yankee good mornin ' ,
對,這才是真正的北佬的問候 Five yankees had run - scoring hits in the frame
共有五位洋基球員在他的投球下回到本壘。 Once again , that team was not the new york yankees
再次顯示,這個團對不是紐約洋基隊。 That is why he is going to the yankees
這也是為什麼他即將要成為洋基人。 New york - - roger clemens is a yankee
紐約新聞- -火箭人要在洋基升空了! 8 : 00 , yankee stadium . let ' s get it on
八點,洋基體育場,讓我們盡情期待 Soldier 2 ) yeah , a real yankee good mornin ' ,
對,這才是真正的北佬的問候 That scarecrow ain ' t gonna frighten off no yankee ,
那稻草人可嚇不走北佬 Perhaps the yankees are better off without such a player
或許洋基不要這樣的球員比較好 Man bring home some yankee scalps , swimmer ,
帶些北佬的頭皮回來,斯維默 It's difficult to see yankee in a sentence. 用yankee造句挺難的




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