词语大全 tabling造句 tablingの例文 "tabling"是什麼意思

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篇首语:精诚所加,金石为开。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 tabling造句 tablingの例文 "tabling"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

tabling造句 tablingの例文 "tabling"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Do they have marble tables and chairs ?
他們有大理石餐桌和椅子嗎?。 My father took his place at the head of the table .
我父親坐在上首。 She tapped on the table with the pencil .
她用鉛筆嗒嗒嗒地敲著桌子。 He got so angry that he tipped the table up ...
他氣得把桌子推翻了。 My table suffered for it last night .
昨天晚上我的宴會就已深受其害。 Put the table right in the middle of the room .
把桌子放在屋子正中。 Mary has bought a lace cover for the table .
瑪莉買了一塊網眼臺布。 One of the other officers at the table gibed .
桌上有個軍官挖苦他。 There is a table in the middle of the room .
房間的中央有一張桌子。 The things on the table were all in a jumble .
桌子上的東西很雜亂。 It's difficult to see tab png in a sentence. 用tab png造句挺難的 A few drops of wine had spilled upon the table .
有幾滴酒濺在桌子上。 He put the cards face down on the table .
他把紙牌面向下放在桌上。 The three standards are psted in table i-1 .
這三種標準列于表I-1中。 The bell is on the bedside table , is not it ?
電鈴在床頭柜上,是嗎? Walden surveyed the breakfast table .
沃爾登看著餐桌上擺好的早餐。 Take the book which is lying on the table .
把桌子上的那本書拿走。 There is always a place for you at our table ..
請你隨時來吃便飯。 There were fresh flowers in vases on the tables .
桌上的花瓶插著鮮花。 Help me to pft the chest up on the table .
幫我把這個箱子搭到桌子上。 They turned the tables on him .
He fiddles with his papers on the table .
他撫弄著桌子上那些報紙。 I am sorry , that table is reserved .
對不起,那張桌子有人預定了。 Please give the table mats a quick wipe .
請把桌上的盤碗墊擦一下。 She went away after clearing off the table .
她收拾干凈飯桌,走出屋去。 Here es phenie now to set the table .
你瞧現在費尼在鋪桌子了。 You clear the table and i'll make the coffee .
你收拾盤碟,我去煮咖啡。 The pfe cycle is summarized in table 16 .
其生命周期摘要見表16。 The dinner table was our battlefield .
晚飯的餐桌就是我們的戰場。 The table is dripping with soup all over .
瀝瀝拉拉弄了一桌子湯。 I banged my elbow on the corner of the table .
我的胳膊肘撞著桌子角了。 It's difficult to see tab png in a sentence. 用tab png造句挺難的 She bought the overcoat under the table .
她偷偷地買了這件大衣。 The luncheon table showed a depleted circle .
午餐桌旁的賓客已寥寥無幾。 Stick the books on the table , will you ?
把書放在桌子上,好嗎? This is usually handled by the jump table .
這個問題通常由轉移表來處理。 Below the water table is the zone of saturation .
潛水面以下就是飽水帶。 We provide you this table and chair .
我們只提供給你這張桌子和這把椅子。 A few tables and chairs were scattered here and there .
四處散放著桌椅。 They were at table when we called .
我們去拜訪時,他們正在吃飯。 He should put his cards on the table .
他應該把話放在桌面上講。 He threw the box on the table with a thump .
He looked at the dinner table hungrily .
他饑不可耐地看著飯桌。 He put it on the table with a thud .
他砰的一聲把它墩在桌子上。 He looked at the table and the chairs about it .
他看看桌子和四邊的椅子。 The corner table was always reserved for him .
這角落的桌子總是給他留著。 The newspapers grew mouldy on the tables .
報紙在桌子上發霉了。 The bil pard ball traveled gently across the table .
臺球慢慢地滾過臺面。 Is this the table for my mate bill ?
這是我的同伴畢爾的餐桌嗎? There was a game of chess on a table .
在一張桌子上擺著一盤棋。 Could you set the table for supper ?
你鋪好桌子準備吃晚飯好嗎?Table tennis became all the rage from then .
從那時以來乒乓球就流行起來。 It's difficult to see tab png in a sentence. 用tab png造句挺難的




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