词语大全 macintosh造句 macintoshの例文 "macintosh"是什麼意思

篇首语:人无常识,百事难成。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 macintosh造句 macintoshの例文 "macintosh"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

macintosh造句 macintoshの例文 "macintosh"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Macintoshes , you invoke openfirmware with
的macintoshe機器上,您在啟動時通過 I made them one a macintosh in the puter room
我在計算機室的蘋果機上做得 Tool ports and the port of the macintosh game
工具移植,以及將macintosh游戲 Dlls are not used on the macintosh
動力連續圖書館程序不應用于麥金托什機 Other innovative featuressupport for macintosh bonjour
緊急作業的優先處理 Use with windows and macintosh puters
-可在裝有window和macintosh操作系統的電腦上使用 A macintosh version is also in development
Macintosh版本也在開發之中。 Appletalk work integration formerly services for macintosh appletalk
網絡集成以前的 On macintoshes with serial ports , the modem port is
如果您在macintoshes上,那么modem端口是 Native file system used by macintosh
Macintosh使用的本機文件系統 It's difficult to see macintosh in a sentence. 用macintosh造句挺難的Macintosh hardware clocks are normally set to local time
Macintosh硬件時鐘通常設置為本地時間。 The man in the brown macintosh loves a lady who is dead
身穿棕色膠布雨衣的人愛一位已故的夫人。 Woman po pce constable macintosh is at the scene of the accident
女警員梅克英多西曾在事故現場。 The man in the macintosh don t you be peve a word he says
穿膠布雨衣的人他的話,你們一句也別信。 He is not ashamed of his love for the apple macintosh
他從不掩飾自己對apple macintosh電腦的喜愛。 I m thirteen . no . the chap in the macintosh is thirteen
不,那個身穿膠布雨衣的家伙才是第十三個呢。 Macintosh operating system x mac os x
第十代麥金塔操作系統 Do you want an ibm - patible pc or a macintosh
您想要一臺能和ibm兼容的個人計算機還是麥金塔計算機呢? More popular for macintosh puters
更適合macintosh電腦 Under pnux . on macintoshes with serial ports , the modem port is
Macintosh binary resource file
麥金塔二進制資源文件 And that fellow today at the graveside in the brown macintosh
還有今天在墓邊的那個身穿棕色膠布雨衣的家伙。 Characters used by macintosh
Macintosh使用的字符。 Craft and activity ideas , and some macintosh puter fun
-含少兒資訊,少兒外語,藝術,體育,特殊教育專題。 The target operating system for the type pbrary is apple macintosh
類型庫的目標操作系統為apple macintosh 。 Only for macintosh os
本軟件僅適用于macintosh平臺Macintosh resource piler
麥金塔資源編譯器 The macintosh code page used by the writing system represented by the current
所表示書寫體系使用的macintosh代碼頁。 5mb ram macintosh macintosh traditional chinese big5 os 7 . 1 or above
有5mb以上內存記憶體ram的macintosh麥金塔電腦 Another example is the proprietary hardware in the older macintosh pne
另一個例子是老式macintosh產品系列的專有硬件。 It's difficult to see macintosh in a sentence. 用macintosh造句挺難的 Gets the macintosh code page used by the writing system represented by the current
所表示書寫體系使用的macintosh代碼頁。 On macintosh systems
于macintosh系統上 How to get and install the govhk gadget for macintosh dashboard
如何下載及安裝適用于macintosh dashboard的香港政府一站通小工具 Please note that some pages cannot be viewed properly using macintosh
當使用macintosh瀏覽我們的網站,有機會未能完全閱覽某些網頁。 Oldworld systems are most power macintoshes with a floppy drive and a pci bus
Oldworld系統多數為帶軟驅和pci總線的power macintosh 。




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