词语大全 nabe中文翻譯

篇首语:秤砣虽小,能压千斤。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 nabe中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Sainen - san , numata - san , yamada - san , nabe - yan
濟念君,沼田君,山田君,老鍋 Hey nabe - yan , what ' re we gonna do
嗨,老鍋,那我們該怎么辦? Nabe - yan , the handle is too long
老鍋,手柄太長了 I ' m worried about nabe - yan
我又很擔心老鍋Nabe ! nabe - yan , you
老鍋,老鍋,你 Right , nabe - yan
對嗎,老鍋 Run , nabe - yan
跑啊,老鍋 Hey , nabe - yan
喂,老鍋 The word chanko represents any type of food that sumo wrestlers eat . in general , there are o types ; the yose - nabe and chiri - nabe
Cyanko是相撲選手要吃的所有的菜,一般有“大燉鍋風”和“魚類 Those who are interested in trying japanese beef should certainly give one of these dishes a try . pke other nabe dishes these are both cooked at the table amongst the diners whether at a restaurant or in the home
Everywhere you go during the fall and winter seasons in japan , you are bombarded by television mercials or aisle displays marketing nabe ( hot pot ) ingredients at the supermarket
日本人很愛吃鍋,每逢秋冬季節,不論是電視廣告還是商店都會大力宣傳出售各式各樣的鍋湯底料或搭配好原料的鍋物拼盤等。 Cooked morsels are dipped into raw egg on the way to the mouth to give a silky coating and to ame porate the sweet and salt . shabu - shabu is more pke a normal nabe in that the ingredients are added to a pot of stock
首先將一碗紅湯倒入鍋內,開大煤氣爐的火候,然后將牛肉、海鮮、蔬菜等一起放在鍋里煮,吃時沾上生雞蛋汁、醬油和糖做成的調味料。 The yose - nabe consists of chicken , fish , seasonal vegetables and tofu cooked in chicken broth and the chiri - nabe consists of seasonal vegetables and chopped fish cooked in broth but eaten by dipping the cooked ingredient in a vinegar and soy sauce mix
“大燉鍋風”是在咖喱雞湯中加上雞肉、魚肉、應時的蔬菜和豆腐,調味而成。 “魚類鍋風”是放入應時的蔬菜和切碎的魚肉煮成汁再加上醋和醬油來吃。




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