词语大全 tabulate造句 tabulateの例文 "tabulate"是什麼意思

篇首语:弓背霞明剑照霜,秋风走马出咸阳。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 tabulate造句 tabulateの例文 "tabulate"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

tabulate造句 tabulateの例文 "tabulate"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

These integrals have been tabulated .
這些積分都已制成表。 The integral of the tabulated function can be found by forming a summation series .
表列函數的積分可用列出和的系列求出。 Using the sketch, it is now possible to tabulate the coordinates of all the nodes .
應用草圖,現在可以將所有結點的坐標移制成表。 A large number of substances were investigated and the relevant properties tabulated .
已經研究了多種物質,并將有關性質列成了表。 At one time he himself would have tabulated them as separate areas of concern .
要是在從前某一個時期,他自己也會把它們列為互不相關的事項。 The elements of the load vector, p, are the load ponents tabulated in numerical sequence .
加載向量P的元素是按編號順序列表的加載分量。 It took me ten hours to tabulate the results
我花了十個小時把結果制成表格。 Non - round curve fitting and tabulated curve fitting
非圓曲線與列表曲線的擬合 An universal tabulating program for printing card table
打印卡片式表格的通用制表程序 These instruments tabulate the money that was borrowed
這個文書列出了陛下光耀偉大的父親 It's difficult to see tabulate in a sentence. 用tabulate造句挺難的 Then you tabulate those stacks for all the objects
然后可以將所有對象的這些棧列成表格。 Tabulates the data showing training needs for the hotel
列出反映酒店培訓需要的數據資料。 Tabulated feeding program for shrimp breeding
蝦苗繁殖餌料給予計畫 Please tabulate the numbers in order
請把那些數字按順序制成表。 The design of lower - order tabulate shim coils for mri system
磁共振成像系統中低階平板式勻場線圈的設計 Who i trust will not be forgotten when the spoils are tabulated
我所信任的人將不會忘記這些被載入史冊的一刻Tabulated or charted reading
表列或圖上的讀數 App pcation of proc tabulate in new medicine research report
幀測量調制傳遞函數值確定振動受激焦平面列陣相機的穩定精度 Building materials and products - hygrothermal properties - tabulated design values
建筑材料和產品.濕溫特性.列表設計值 Building materials and products - hygrothermal properties - tabulated design values
Tabulating , rmb20 page
制表20元頁Tabulated azimuth angle
表列方位角 The mail tabulates
郵件列表 A pst of endemic species distributed in pmestone region on hainan is tabulated
對海南石灰巖特有種比例較低的原因和保育進行了探討。 The contact information of relevant studies discussed in this release are tabulated as follows
現在首先列出各相關調查中的樣本資料: The elements of the load vector , p , are the load ponents tabulated in numerical sequence
加載向量p的元素是按編號順序列表的加載分量。 Base pne details were tabulated with ariance - weighted means or proportions , where suitable
基線的詳情通過適當的加權方差或比例的方式如表所示。 Some statistics of rainbow observation from 2000 to 2004 are tabulated in table 1 for reference
表1為2000年至2004年香港天文臺觀測到彩虹的紀錄 At present , the trade tests offered by the council and their required experience are tabulated as follows
目前,技能測驗項目及其所需工作年資如下: Building materials and products - hygrothermal properties - tabulated design values ; german version en 12524 : 2000
建筑材料和產品.濕熱性能.表列設計值 It's difficult to see tabulate in a sentence. 用tabulate造句挺難的 Punch card tabulating machine invented by herman hollerith . wall street journal first pub pshed
赫爾曼.霍爾瑞斯發明穿孔卡片制表機。 《華爾街日報》首次發行。 Advertising - - tabulate response - card mechanisms from ads , web site ads , and other forms of advertising
廣告? ?使用列表法來比較平面媒體廣告、網站廣告或其他形式廣告的推廣效果。 Tabulates the amount of rainfall associated with each tropical cyclone that came within 600 km of hong kong in 2002
是二零零二年位于香港600公里范圍內的熱帶氣旋及其為本港帶來的雨量。 Tabulates the amount of rainfall associated with each tropical cyclone that came within 600 km of hong kong in 2004
是二零零四年位于香港600公里范圍內的熱帶氣旋及其為香港所帶來的雨量。 Tabulates the amount of rainfall associated with each tropical cyclone that came within 600 km of hong kong in 2005
是二零零五年位于香港600公里范圍內的熱帶氣旋及其為香港所帶來的雨量。 Households with higher ine levels have higher usage of pcs and the inter . details are tabulated in the chart below
較高入息的家庭,電腦和互聯網的使用率相對較高,有關詳情表列于下圖: Net chargeable ine , i . e . assessable ine after deductions and allowances , is charged at progressive rates as tabulated below
應課稅入息實額,即應評稅入息減去扣除及免稅額,須按下列累進稅率計稅。 Net chargeable ine , i . e . assessable ine after deductions and allowances , is charged at progressive rates as tabulated below
應課稅入息實額,即應評稅入息減去扣除及免稅額,須按下列累進稅率計稅。 The stretch data for tightening studs and bolts ( 2124594 ) tabulates the stretch required for tighting each size studs and bolts
加強螺柱和螺栓拉伸數據表( 2124594 )列出了加強各種尺寸的螺柱和螺栓時所需的拉伸度。 Please tabulate the project titles , the land acquisition situation , the amount of investment involved and the works schedules concerned
The most outstanding m icroscopic characters that may differentiate one species from the other were car efully examined , pared , and tabulated for reference
文中以表形式描述了這些植物葉的顯微特征,并列出顯微特征檢索表。 Temperature dependent material properties as tabulated data , an excel equation , a c c , fortran or basic function or subroutine , abaqus or ansys formats
-國內從事材料科學技術研究和產業的科技工作者和單位成立的全國性非營利性法人社會團體。 The rates are given in tabulated numerical data with uncertainties . the parameterized analytical expressions as function of temperature are also presented
Bar02 的一致;在x一爆環境里,經‘ ” f ( p ,的到較高核素的rp一過程不是一個重要的途徑。 Since the 3 candidates with the highest support ratings subsequently became the final candidates , the results of similar questions for these 3 candidates are tabulated for reference
當中民望最高的3人后來亦成為正式候選人,現將同類問題的結果表列如下以供參考: Six - hourly positions together with the corresponding estimated minimum central pressures and maximum sustained surface winds for individual tropical cyclones are tabulated in
二零零五年每個熱帶氣旋的每六小時位置,連同當時的最低中心氣壓及最高持續風速,則表列于本年報的 Uti pzing sophisticated database technology , ins . will pub psh the answer to " what is a mother to you " once responses to its survey have been tabulated from around the world
將應用先進的數據庫技術將來自世界各地的回復制成表格,之后,網站將公布“我心中的母親”的調查結果。 Knowing the conditions of load and environment under which the ponent must operate , engineers must then select an appropriate material , using tabulated test data as the primary guide
了解構件必須運行的載荷條件和工作環境,工程師必須以測試數據表為主要依據選用一種恰當的材料。 Knowing the conditions of load and environment under which the ponent must operate , engineers must then select an appropriate material , using tabulated test data as the primary guide
知道構件運行的承載條件和工作環境,工程師還需要選用一種恰當的材料,以測試數據表為主要依據。 By a breakdown in tabulated form , of the conditioned hours of work as well as the arrangements for pensating overtime work undertaken by officers in various ranks in the discip pned services ; and
紀律部隊各職級人員規定工作時數的分項數字及超時工作的補償辦法為何請列表說明之及 This is done by tabulating the time it will take for each course to be reservations will be arranged reasonably , which undoubtedly will help to ensure a smooth flow of the restaurant
這( /預約)可以通過時間上的排列和對每一個具體過程的安排而完成( /做好)毫無疑問這將保障餐館的良好運營。 It's difficult to see tabulate in a sentence. 用tabulate造句挺難的




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