词语大全 apparatus中文翻譯

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篇首语:怀抱观古今,寝食展戏谑。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 apparatus中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

My vocal apparatus also reflects emotions .
我的發音裝置也反應情緒。 The whole apparatus operates under high vacuum .
整個裝置在高真空下運轉。 The rest of the apparatus is at earth potential .
裝置的其余部分全都接地。 It has its own internal apparatus .
它有著自己的內部設施。 A sketch of his apparatus is shown in figure 3-2 .
圖3-2是他的實驗儀器的簡圖。 The entire apparatus must, of course, be evacuated .
當然,整個設備必須抽成真空。 That magazine covers all kinds of heating apparatuses .
那本雜志論及所有暖氣裝置。 This apparatus e pminates the effects of microseisms .
這種儀器排除了微地震的影響。 The apparatus is spotlessly clean .
儀器上一塵不染。 The apparatus must be clean, dry, and sound .
The apparatus with which rontgen made his sensational discovery was the result of a prolonged development in the field of electricity .
倫琴用來做出驚人發現的儀器是電學領域長期發展的成果。 I argued that the war had shown scientists could help solve intel pgence problems without necessarily needing a huge amount of new apparatus .
我爭辯說,戰爭已經表明,科學家可以幫助解決情報問題,不一定非得有大量的新式設備不可。 The apparatus thus described , however , records only the horizontal ponent of the wave movement , which is , in fact , much more p pcated .
然而,儀器的如此描畫只能記錄波運動中的水平方面的運動部分,而波運動實際情況復雜得多。 Why has the material and technical apparatus of all the countries of the entents failed in elve years to overthrow this artificially fostered bolshevism ?
為什么十二年來所有協約國成員的物質和技術手段卻撼不動一個人工培育的布爾什維克主義呢? Figure 6. 20 illustrates a mercially available fringe multip pcation and fringe sharpening apparatus mounted on a polariscope specially designed to faci ptate these app pcations .
圖6.20所示為一臺市售的條紋倍增和細化裝置,它安裝在一臺便于使用的專門設計的偏振光彈儀上。 Glossary of terms used in electronic measuring apparatus
電子測量儀器的術語匯編 The research of rotatory apparatus with pound wave plates
波片復合旋光器研究Apparatus for physical test of cement . pression jig
水泥物理檢驗儀器抗壓夾具 Development of a new diode laser therapy apparatus
一種新型半導體激光治療機研制 This shop has a variety of photographic apparatuses




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