词语大全 for the money中文翻譯

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篇首语:但使书种多,会有岁稔时。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 for the money中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

He did it entirely out of kindness , not for the money .
他做那件事純粹是出于好意,并非為錢。 What is the charge for the money order and for the registered letter ?
匯款和掛號信共收費多少? Out of force of habit i felt for the money belt around my waist .
出于習慣,我摸了摸圍在腰間的錢帶。 It would be an acmodation to me if you could wait some days for the money .
請你們通融通融,讓我過幾天再來付錢吧。 Mother has promised to soften father up a bit, and then we'll ask him for the money .
母親答應先去說服一下父親,然后我們再去向他要錢。 How long will it take for the money to get to boston
這筆錢要多久才能到波士頓? I guess they got waylaid . thanks for the money
我想這些信是給扣下了謝謝你寄的錢 That party hack is just in po ptics for the money
那位政客從政的目的只是為了錢。 David ' s on my ass for the money i owe him
大衛一直煩著我,因為我欠他的錢。 David ' s on my a for the money i owe him
We will reimburse you for the money you spent
我們將把你花費的錢付還你。 I was trying to get you more for the money , that ' s all
我只是想買個物超所值的戒指啊。 In the end , i didn ' t do it for the money so much
到了最后,我都不是太為了錢而表演了。 Is she good for the money that you lent her
她能把你借給她的錢還給你嗎 I ' ll do the movies you do for the money
你為了賺錢而演的電影,我去演。 As for the money , heaven grant there may be some left
至于說贓款,天知道還能剩下多少! I don ' t pke my job ? i simply do it for the money
我不喜歡我的工作,我做它只是為了錢。 That ' s why i ' d risk my pfe for the money
我用得著這么辛苦來拼命嗎? He did it entirely out of kindness , not for the money
他做那件事純粹是出于好意,并非為錢 He did it entirely out of kindness , not for the money
Please send me a receipt for the money
請寄給我一張收到此款的收據。 We can work events with the kids for the money
我們可以一起打工賺錢 Reuben couldn ' t ask his father for the money
魯本不能向父親要錢。 And call you later for the money
而且以后會為了錢的事打電話給你 And call you later for the money
而且以后會為了錢的事打電話給你 I work for the money around the clock
我夜以繼日地為金錢而工作 You know what ? we ' ll just ask for the money
算了,我們直接要錢 Killed them both for the money and then tried to pin it on me
為了錢把他們都殺了然后嫁禍給我! L ' m not cal png you for the money today
我今天不是來跟你要賬的 L ' m not cal png you for the money today
The treasurer has to account for the money paid to him
財務負責人必須說明交給他的錢是怎樣用的。 Year 2000 contingency arrangements for the money market
就電腦二千年問題對貨幣市場作出的應變安排 He ' s been lying low ever since i asked him for the money he owes me
自從我催他還錢,他就不露面了 Some people for the money , regardless of all consequences pursue
有些人為了錢,不顧一切的去追求。 The sergeant has e for the money
騎兵司務長來領款了。 ” Then again for the money i have earned and am earning
還有就是因為我已經掙到的錢,和還要掙到的錢。 I can find for the money you have
這是我唯一能找到的地方了 I guess the tramp would have to beg for the money to pay the fine
我猜想流浪漢是不得不乞討來繳納罰款。 Brad : well , he must only be in it for the money , then
布雷德:嗯,那么,他必定是單單為了錢才將就的了。 She is desperate for the money
And i am really hoping for the money
我真的比較想要錢 I do it for the money , paul
我是以賺錢為目的,保羅 Liquidity arrangements for the money market in the y2k context
因應電腦二千年問題作出的貨幣市場流動資金安排 Most depend on banks and rich supporters for the money they lend
大多數靠銀行貸款的錢,富有的支持者靠貸款。 But if i go back and ask for the money back , then i ' m a baby
但是如果我去把那些錢要回來的話,我就是個嬰兒了 As for the money , we will simply have to borrow some more from the bank
關于錢的問題,我們只得向銀行再多借一點 Do it for the money . gordo
那就為錢做,郭東 They were scars left by the flogging avdeev had received for the money he drank
他們留下的傷疤笞刑?收到的錢他掏 Liquidity arrangements for the money market in the year 2000 context
因應電腦二千年問題作出的貨幣市場流動資金安排 Do it for the money . gordo




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