词语大全 cysteine造句 cysteineの例文 "cysteine"是什麼意思

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The chain must fold on itself to allow these cysteines to be in close proximity .
這個鏈必然是彎曲折疊,而使這些半胱氨酸靠得很近。 Circular dichroism studies of cysteine proteinase inhibitor from rice
水稻巰基蛋白酶抑制劑的圓二色譜研究Cysteine proteinase inhibitor , cpi
植物巰基蛋白酶抑制劑 Cloning and expression of l - cysteine desulfhydrase from pseudomonas sp . ts
半胱氨酸脫巰基酶基因的克隆與表達 Optimization of fermentation conditions of microbial enzymatic synthesis of l - cysteine
半胱氨酸的產酶條件優化 Determination of copper in water by a l - cysteine modified gold electrode
半胱氨酸修飾金電極測定水中銅離子的研究 Mode png the cysteine rich domain of plant metallothionein - pke protein
植物類金屬硫蛋白半胱氨酸富含區結構的建模 Study on fed - batch fermentation kiics of l - cysteine producing pseudomonas strain ts
1138的補料分批發酵動力學研究Cysteine is the crucial pmiting amino acid for intracellular gsh synthesis
半胱氨酸是細胞內合成谷胱甘肽的關鍵性氨基酸。 Cysteine a sulfur - containing amino acid synthesized from methionine and serine
半胱氨酸:由甲硫氨酸和絲氨酸合成的含硫的氨基酸。 It's difficult to see cysteine in a sentence. 用cysteine造句挺難的 Effects of n - acetyl - l - cysteine on expressions of matrix metalloproteinases in lung tissue of sio2 exposed rats
2染塵肺組織基質金屬蛋白酶表達的影響 Determination of total cysteine in plasma by high performance pquid chromatography and ultraviolet detection
高效液相色譜紫外檢測法測定血漿中總半胱氨酸 Electrochemical study of the frication of polypyrrole on patterned l - cysteine c2h6s2 self - assembled mixed monolayers
二硫醇混合自組裝膜修飾電極制備的電化學研究 Effects of l - cysteine and bso on cisplatin - induced toxicity to renal tubular epithe pal cells isolated from monkeys and rats
梭曼中毒大鼠脂質過氧化損傷及抗氧化劑的作用 L - cysteine is a non - essential ( or semi - essential ) , neutral , geically coded amino acid , derived from cystine and found in most proteins
半胱氨酸是一種中性氨基酸,從胱氨酸中提取,并存在于大多數蛋白質中。 There are many derivatives of these amino acids , but n - acetyl - l - cysteine , gluthathione and adenosylmethionine are very useful
含硫氨基酸衍生物產品眾多,其中最具代表性的是n -乙酰- l -半胱氨酸,谷胱甘肽,腺苷蛋氨酸。 The purpose of this paper is to obtain information on the fluorescence behavior of zinc plexes with " natural " histidine - containing or cysteine - containing pgands
但在測定生物活體內的游離zn ~ ( 2 + )的濃度方面仍存在一定的困難。 Organic molybdenum sulphide ( mo ( v ) - cysteine ) was found in passive film . the increase of cr and the appearance of mo were thought an auto - repair behaviour
在該環境介質中cr的增加和mo的出現,初步認為是一種鈍化膜的保護性自修復過程。 Whey protein concentrate has been shown to represent an effective and safe cysteine donor for gsh replenishment during gsh depletion in immune deficiency states
乳漿蛋白濃縮物已被證實是一種有效的和安全的半胱氨酸供體,可以補充免疫缺陷狀態時谷胱甘肽的不足。 According to an important character of the primary structure of ri : 32 cysteine residues are all in the reduced form , we propose that ri can neutra pze oxidization
根據ri一級結構的一個重要特點, 32個半胱氨酸殘基全部為還原狀態,我們認為ri具有抗氧化的作用。
Interestingly , the glutathione - promoting drug n - acetyl cysteine ( nac ) has been tested in experimental allergic and irritant contact dermatitis and found to reduce these reactions ( 2 )
令人感興趣的是, (研究2 )使用谷胱甘肽增強劑nac來測試過敏性及刺激性接觸皮炎,發現可以降低反應。 The secondary structure of this protein speculated had a typically conserved domain of cytochrome p450 cysteine heme - iron pgand signature ( fnagprlcig ) and a hydrophobic domain at n - terminal of amino acid
( 6 ) c鉀86mf同源基因片段在13個物種中的序列分析表明:它們的核昔酸差異為1 Shin mh , kita h , park hy . cysteine protease secreted by paragonimus westermani : attenuates efector functions of human eosinophils stimulated with immunoglobu pn g [ j ] . infect immun , 2001 , 69 ( 3 ) : 1599
嚴濤,張惠群,董萇安.衛氏并殖吸蟲在小鼠體內的檢蟲情況與感染次數和感染量的關系[ j ] .中國血吸蟲病防治雜志, 1993 , 5 ( 5 ) 279 The amino acids located beeen 560 - 600 are all hydrophobic , which were probably associated with the envelope membrane , there were 19 cysteines and 13 potential glycosylation sites in s2 protein , the cleavage recognitio
與其他毒株間(除v18 91外)核昔酸序列的同源性為85 99 ,氨基酸序列的同源率為83 91 。 According to the sequences similarity and the same disulfide pnkage of hwtx - v family with other toxins with known 3d structures , we can postulate that hwtx - v may belong to ick ( inhibitory cysteine knot ) motif
從這些同源序列的二硫鍵的結合方式看來, hwtx一v和mhwtx一v很可能屬( 1nhibitorycysteineknot ) ick結構模體。 Histidine and cysteine derivatives can coordinate with zinc , but the uv or fluorescence spectral changes are not significant enough to allow effective detection of zinc in plant system
組氨酸和半胱氨酸的衍生物能與鋅配位,但鋅離子的加入對紫外圖譜或熒光圖譜的影響并不顯著,因此不大可能有效地標記植物體系中的鋅離子。 It also had mon features of plant nsltps ( non - specific ppid transfer proteins ) such as eight conserved cysteine positions , high isoelectric points ( 8 . 9 ) and lack of tryptophans
其推測的氨基酸序列與genbank中注冊的ltp蛋白前體的同源性達63 ,且具有植物lh蛋白共同特征,如8個保守的半肌氨酸位點,較高的等電點oi 8 The results showed that addition of 0 . 003 % cysteine could improve the color stabi pty noticeably while 0 . 05 % xg and 0 . 1 % cmc could improve the suspension stabi pty of the juice
結果表明,在打漿時向草莓中加入0 . 003 %半胱氨酸,可以增強花色苷的穩定性;在草莓汁中添加0 . 05 %黃原膠和0 . 1 % cmc的復配膠,可以有效提高草莓汁的懸浮穩定性。 The term protein kinase c ( pkc ) stands for a group of at least elve serine / threconine kinases that are characterized by a high degree of similarity in their catalytic kinase domains and cysteine - rich regions
前言蛋白激酶c ( pkc )是一組絲蘇氨酸蛋白激酶,參與多種信號傳導系統。包括細胞分化、生長調控、腫瘤發生和細胞凋亡。 Disulfide bridge in proteins , a covalent bond formed beeen the sulfhydryl ( - sh ) groups of different cysteine molecules . such bridges are important in stabi pzing the tertiary structure of peptides and proteins
二硫橋:在蛋白質中兩個半胱氨酸殘基的兩個巰基之間形成的共價鍵。這樣的結構對于維持多肽和蛋白質三級結構的穩定有重要的作用。 It's difficult to see cysteine in a sentence. 用cysteine造句挺難的Cysteine prodrugs have helped clarify the essential role of gsh in athletic performance , immune function , aids , etc . , but their effect is short - pved and their long - term use is not without adverse effects
半胱氨酸替代藥品有助于澄清谷胱甘肽在運動的表現、免疫功能、艾滋病等的主要功效,但其作用屬短期性的,而長時期使用它們并非沒有副作用。 The cysteine polypeptide ring formed by them is called type - ii construction domain . now the type - fl construction domain is considered as the structural basis of multiple functions of bsp protein
在每個疏水區中半胱氨酸殘基是按1 ? 3和2 ? 4順序形成二硫鍵,這樣構成的胱氨酸多肽環被稱作型結構,目前認為型結構是bsp蛋白多種功能的結構基礎。 ( 2 ) the adsorption of lysozyme from phosphate - buffered sa pne ( ph 7 . 4 ) onto bare and cysteine or 1 - octadecahiol - modified au electrode has been investigated in situ using an electrochemical piezoelectric quartz crystal resonance system ( eqcis )
( 2 )用電化學石英晶體阻抗系統( eqcis )現場監測了ph7 . 4磷酸緩沖液中溶菌酶在金電極和半胱氨酸或正十八硫醇修飾電極上的吸附。 Many scholars think they have not important physical roles because of their high working concentration . they have the same n - terminal amino acid and c - terminal amino acid , namely asparine and cysteine respectively . they form o largely the same hydrophobic domains
Bsp - a1 a2和a3的n -端都是天冬氨酸, c -端為半胱氨酸,并都含有兩對二硫鍵,由此形成了兩個基本相同的疏水結構區。 8da and the content of cysteine is the highest which attain 22 . 2 % , following are lysine ( 8 . 0 ) and serine ( 7 . 7 % ) . however , there are aromatic amino acid residues and histidine in the amino acid sequence such as tyrosine ( 3 . 3 % ) , phenylalanine ( 3 . 0 % ) and histidine ( 2
序列中還含有少量的芳香族氨基酸,如酪氨酸( 3 . 3 ) ,苯丙氨酸( 3 . 0 )和組氨酸( 2 . 8 ) ,這一點和牡蠣mt相似,而不同于果蠅和哺乳動物mt (不含有芳香族氨基酸和組氨酸) 。 Trka , the high affinity ngf receptor , contains an intracellular domain with tyrosine kinase activity and an extracellular domain with three tandem leucine - rich motifs flanked by o cysteine clusters in their amino termini and o immunoglobu pn - pke domains in the more membrane - proximal region
膜外域含有8個亮氨酸的重復區域,其前后分別串聯著一組半胱氨酸殘基,緊挨細胞膜的是兩個c2 -型免疫球蛋白樣區ig和ig ;膜內域為酪氨酸激酶催化活性區。 The amino acid sequences of about 100 kinds of spider toxin have been determined so far . their molecular weights were varied from 3 to 12kd except for black widow spider toxins , which were high molecular mass types . there were plenty of cysteine residues in their sequences
至今已有近百種蜘蛛神經毒素的一級結構被測定,除黑寡婦蜘蛛毒素為高分子量毒素外,其他蜘蛛神經毒素的分子量在3 - 12kd之間,不同種屬來源的毒素同源性很小,序列中含有較多的半胱氨酸。 Notch proteins are a family of evolutionarily conserved transmembrane receptors which are involved in cell fate determination of many cell pneages . notch pgand delta is also transmembrane protein with characteristic cysteine - rich n - terminal domain responsible for notch binding
Notch基因廣泛表達于胚胎發育過程中的各種組織和各種成熟組織中具有增殖能力的細胞層,該基因編碼一個由2753個氨基酸殘基的型跨膜蛋白分子受體,其配體也是細胞膜蛋白,稱為delta 。 Considering that aspartic acid ( d ) and glutamic acid ( e ) are very similar to each other , together with the biological function of the landmark , thus that the o landmarks can be regarded as no difference ; 3 ) conservative cysteine in terms of their numbers and positions in the extracellular domain . in ghr1 group , fghrl and zfghrl have seven cysteins , which are the same as that of quadruped . in ghr2 group which includes cohoghr isf1 , cohoghr isf2 , chghr , fghr2 and zfghr2 , the cysteine number and positon are very similar to each other but are different from ghr1 group . especially , the fghr2 has five cysteins that is one more than zfghr2 ; 3 ) conservative boxl domain . with all the ghrs identified so far , boxl are prised of ppxpxp ( x represents any amino acid )
在fghri和zfghri都為7個,數目和四足動物ghr一致;在fghrz胞外膚氨酸殘基為5個, zfghrz為4個,和同屬于ghrz的eohoghrisfl 、 eohoghrisfz 、 ehghr基本保持一致,但是卻和傳統的ghri有比較大的區別; 3 )本試驗克隆和分離得到ghri和ghrz以及所有目前發表的ghr都有比較保守的boxl結構域,氨基酸組成為ppxpxp ,研究表明最后兩個脯氨酸殘基作用最大; 4 )在所有ghr中都完全一致的boxz ,序列為料efi ; 5 )在ghri和ghrz胞內部分都比較保守的酪氨酸殘基,他們被認為在信號傳導中起作用。 Elevation of intracellular calcium ions may be partly induced by increased influx through sarcolemma l type - calcium channels . intracellular calcium elevation , on one hand , would activate calpain , a calcium - dependent cysteine protease that degrade the myofibrillar proteins and cause muscle atrophy ; on the other hand , result in activation of calcineurin which enhance the activity of mhc i promoter and inhibit a shift of mhc isoforms from slow to fast in soleus
這樣,可能使得萎縮比目魚肌細胞內鈣離子水平升高,細胞內鈣離子靜息濃度的增加一方面激活calpain ,增加收縮蛋白的降解,使肌肉萎縮;草四軍醫大月卜祠成士學位論文另一方面通過激活鈣調神經磷酸酶,增加快型mhc基因的表達,使骨骼肌肌球蛋白重鏈( mhc )發生由慢型向快型的轉化。
2 . the sequence of si gene from ibv - lx4 strain was consisted of 1614 bp from initiation codon atg to the possible cleavage site of spike glycoprotein , encoding for a 18 - amino signal - peptide with the n terminus of si protein and a polypeptide of 537 - amino acids . 19 highly conserved , potential glycosylation sites and 17 cysteines residues were characterized with si protein , homology analysis showe that there were gene deletion -
S1基因:其全序列共1614bp (從起始密碼子atg到s前體蛋白裂解位點) ,編碼537個氨基酸,其氨基端有一編碼18個氨基酸的信號肽序列,第12 13位氨基酸殘基構成了信號肽的切割位點, 14 19位與111 124位氨基酸殘基為s1蛋白的跨膜區域。 Two positive clones were sequenced , and the results showed that its nuclcotidc sequence includes an open reading segment which codes for a 45 - amino acids protein and three endonuclcase sites which arc1 bgii , bamh i and bgi ii , this protein was identified as metallothionein based on its characteristic described above and its similarity ( 85 % ) to the mtn gene of drosophila : the 10 cysteine residues present occur in five pairs of cys - x - cys , x is serine , va pne , i pstidine or lysine
結果顯示:擴增的cdna片段長度為289bp ,其中含有一個編碼45個氨基酸的開放閱讀框,閱讀框所編碼的氨基酸中含有10個半胱氨酸,且在序列中均排列成cys - x - cys ,其中x為ser 、 val 、 his或lys 。這些特征說明擴增的基因片段為家蠅mt基因序列的一部分。此基因序列片段與果蠅mtn基因序列的同源性達到85 . 0 ,擴增的基因序列中含有三個內切酶位點bg 、 bam和bg ,這一點也和果蠅mtn基因十分相似。 N - acetylcysteine is the acetylation of l - cysteine as the donor of sulfhydrylgruppe ( - sh ) , not only has the great antioxidation , but also supp pes the reduced glutathione in the body efficiently , and pretects the cell not to be injuried . the preventive effective of n - acetylcysteine against acute lung injury has been supported by the animal experiment and c pnic research
N -乙酰半胱氨酸是l -半胱氨酸的乙酰化物,作為巰基的供體,不僅具有強大的抗氧化作用,還能有效補充機體內降低的還原型谷胱苷肽,保護細胞免受損傷,其對急性肺損傷的防治作用已獲得動物實驗和臨床研究結果的支持。 The results showed that the open reading frame of chil - 15 cdna enpassed 564 base pairs ( bp ) and encoded a protein of 187 amino acids with three potential n - pnked glycosylation sites , four conserved cysteine residues , o out - of - frame atg initiation codons in the 5 " untranslated region , and a signal peptide consisting of 66 amino acids . when it was pared with the pub pshed sequence of chil - 15 cdna , 7 mutant sites were found , and 5 amino acids were changed in predicted amino acids , which indicated that chil - 15 may be polymorphic
結果顯示,本研究所用白來航雞il - 15cdna5 ’非編碼區有兩個框外atg起始密碼子,開放閱讀框由564bp組成,編碼187個氨基酸,其中n末端信號肽含有66個氨基酸殘基,在第48 、 149和166位的天冬酰胺殘基上有三個潛在的n -糖基化位點。 Badh cdna ( 1901bp ) included a 66 bp 5 " utr , a 329 bp 3 " utr and a 1506 bp orf encoding a 501 - ammo - acid polypeptide which showed 88 % sequence identity to badh from spinach , sugar beet and atriplex hortensis respectively . the deduced amino acid sequence included a decapeptide sequence " vtlelggksp " , which is highly conserved among general aldehyde dehydrogenases ( aldh ) , and a cysteine residue
Badhcdna全長1901bp , 5端非編碼區66bp , 3端非編碼區329bp ,含有2個可能的加polya信號: aataa ,開放閱讀框架1506bp ,編碼一個由501個氨基酸構成的多肽,與菠菜、甜菜、山菠菜badh的氨基酸序列同源性均為88 ,其中有醛脫氫酶的保守序列vtlelggksp和半胱氨酸殘基。 The gene was 1668bp in length , encoding the f protein posed of 553 amino acids . sequence analysis and its secondary structure prediction showed that the f protein had three major hydrophobic regions consisting of about 25 amino acids , six potential glycosylation sites and thirteen cysteines . a sequence region of basic amino acids , rrqrrf , was found at the f , - f2 cleavage site , indicating that f4ge9 was a typical virulent strain
序列分析和二級結構預測表明, f _ ( 48 ) e _ ( 9 )株f蛋白含有3個分別由25個氨基酸組成的疏水區,存在6個潛在的糖基化位點, 13個半胱氨酸殘基,裂解位點區域的氨基酸序列為rrqrrf ,說明f _ ( 48 ) e _ 9株是一株典型的強毒株。 The experimental method includes selecting pure plexes of histidine - containing or cysteine - containing materials , from c - and n - terminal group of these amino acids to pnk to a group which have color or fluorescence or ultraviolet absorption , elucidating their binding affinity , fluorescence or uv - visible spectrum properties with zinc at physiological concentration and to elucidate their structure in the so pd state via infrared spectroscopy . with the help of the concerned the data , the analysis was done to prove whether it can be app ped to the zinc detection , in other words , whether it can be used as a new fluorescence probe for zinc detection
本實驗首次選用在生物體內與zn ~ ( 2 + )鍵合能力很突出的物質? ?組氨酸和半胱氨酸,采用類似于多肽合成的方法,在其羧基或氨基分別嫁接上一個帶有標記的基團,生成穩定的共價鍵化合物;在此化合物中模擬生理濃度條件加入鋅離子,通過紅外圖譜、紫外圖譜或熒光圖譜的變化分析鋅離子對標記基團是否產生影響,再結合有關數據分析其是否適合檢測鋅離子,即是否可能作為新的鋅離子熒光探針。 In this paper , the nanoparticles were used in the fabrication of biosensors . this thesis concerns o research sections : first , a one - step method for fabrication of horseradish peroxidase ( hrp ) biosensor with au nanoparticle ( aunp ) has been developed . the aunp and hrp were simultaneously embedded in si pca sol - gel work on gold electrode surface in the presence of cysteine
用溶膠凝膠( sol - gel )包裹納米金粒子( aunp )和辣根過氧化酶( hrp ) ,結合納米技術、溶膠凝膠和自組裝技術,既保持了納米粒子對電極的增敏作用,又大大延長了電極的使用壽命。 ( 2 ) we fully uti pzed the characteristics of the deficient electron structure ( carbon sp3 and boron ) and easy oxidation introducing - oh on bdd electrode surface to preparation of biosensors , which were used to investigate the electrochemistry of uric acid at a bdd electrode modified with poly ( l - cysteine ) and be rapid , sensitive
用于測定自來水中br -和i -的回收率,結果令人滿意。 ( 2 )第3章研究了尿酸在聚半胱氨酸修飾bdd電極表面的電化學性質,并實現對尿酸的準確、快速、靈敏、簡便測定。 It's difficult to find cysteine in a sentence. 用cysteine造句挺難的




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