词语大全 hypothesize造句 hypothesizeの例文 "hypothesize"是什麼意思

篇首语:八成熟,十成收;十成熟,二成丢。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hypothesize造句 hypothesizeの例文 "hypothesize"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

hypothesize造句 hypothesizeの例文 "hypothesize"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Hypothesized management rational theoretical analysis

The hypothesized self - reapzation in work game

Spindler hypothesized an elaborate disaster theory

Information efficiency in hypothesized enterprise

Hypothesized economy and real estate bubble

I mean , we keep hypothesizing

With only a few facts , holmes could hypothesize the explanation

A discussion on legal nature and legal protection of the hypothesized property

On the hypothesized enterprise

Research on hypothesized management pattern in our country ' s real estate enterprises

It's difficult to see hypothesize in a sentence. 用hypothesize造句挺難的

Hypothesized manufacture and to our country manufacturing industry enterprise ' s function

An analysis and parison of humanity hypothesizes in economics and science of management

Design and development of puter position principle hypothesized experiment based on work

20 unique genes were hypothesized according to sequence parison against current dada deposited in genbank

In chapter 1 , some principle conceptions are defined , and a basic hypothesize is given

We hypothesized that propofol but not sevoflurane will worsen the pre - existing lv diastopc dysfunction

One could hypothesize a metric of current flow for time , a form of temporal amperage

We hypothesized that alternate rounds of lamivudine and alpha interferon might circumvent previous shortings

An equivalent physical model is developed by some hypothesizes for three phases asynchronous electromotor

After the birth of mm theory , many scholars try to develop mm theory by loosing its strict hypothesizes

Under such circumstances , the authors hypothesize a curricular reconstruction in relation to the music teaching in normal universities

Physical or psychological distress entered hypothesized structural model and its standard deviation is very large

Many problems solved in real pfe need the math activity to explore , to develop hypothesize , to found mathematical model

We therefore hypothesized that a mother ' s risk of breast cancer may increase with placental weight , " said attingius
我們由此猜測,母親患乳腺癌的危險也許會隨胎盤重量的增加而加大。 ”

Some real matter meant , a child , for puter games in hypothesized duty battle , own jumped from an upper story

The pistol electric drill direct current stepless speed regulation switch automated test system based on the hypothesized instrument technology

The authors hypothesize that an individual ' s geic background determines the initial susceptibipty to aortic dissection

The authors hypothesized that [ delta ] pop can predict fluid responsiveness in mechanically ventilated patients during general anesthesia
筆者假設[ delta ] pop可以預測全麻機控狀態病人對液體的反應。

A form of matter hypothesized by proponents of the big bang theory to have existed before the formation of the chemical elements

2 ) in order to improve the performance of gaussian mixture model , we use hypothesize test to do the speaker verification
2 )為了進一步提高高斯混合模型的識別效果,采用假設檢驗的方式進行說話人確認。

It's difficult to see hypothesize in a sentence. 用hypothesize造句挺難的

So we hypothesized that rejected children included highly obedient and manipulated children , highly aggressive children

Thus , we hypothesized that as windows xp senses that the cpu is idle , it triggers or allows the cpu to step down its clock rate
因此,我們猜測當windows xp判斷cpu處于空閑狀態時,它就觸發或者允許cpu降低其時鐘速率。

The researchers couldn ' t explain why the hallucinations occur but hypothesized it could be related to “ high blood levels ” of the drug

We hypothesized that the hcrtr2 g1246a polymorphism is also of pharmacogeic relevance in ch and may affect treatment response

Through the development of nearly a half century , all hypothesizes of mm theory have been loosened , except the hypothesis of rationapty of investors and managers
在這一漫長的過程中, mm理論原有的假設條件幾乎都被放松了。

The sensitivity of even the best instruments was a factor of 1 , 000 too low to pick up hypothesized types of dark particles

We hypothesized that the extent of edema has prognostic imppcations and that diffusion - weighted mr imaging ( dwi ) can help predict the progression to infarction
本文將探討水腫范圍的預后意義,并通過mr彌散成像( dwi )來預測梗死的形成。

Sewage pipe flow is hypothesized as single - phase and uniform flow , and we are used to applying the chezy formulas for designing sewer systems
目前的污水管道設計是將污水在管道內的流動視為單相均勻流,主要用謝才( chezy )公式進行水力計算。

By examining the difference of the degree of underpricing beeen ipos and seos ( pubpc cash offer ) in chinese market , we confirmed the above hypothesizes

Has characteristics and so on centrapsm core petitive power , opportunity actuation and dynamic structure based on the work hypothesized physical distribution enterprise

Similarly , one might also hypothesize that females , on the other hand , select toys that allow them to hone the skills they will one day need to nurture their young

The conclusions were as follows : 1 . somatization , anxiety and depression did not enter hypothesized structural model and their standard deviations are very large
結果表明: 1 )抑郁、焦慮和軀體化未進入結構方程模型,標準差較大,不適合測量大一新生的身心健康。

Background : it is hypothesized that low selenium concentrations are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and that selenium supplements prevent coronary heart disease

Result 1 quapty of pfe of the poor the result of repabipty and vapdity is all right . the structure vapdity was almost the same as hypothesized except for sf and vt

The team hypothesized that adenosine - induced hyperemia could reduce the damaging effects of distal embopzation associated with non - urgent pci through dilation of the microasculature

The model hypothesizes , for example , that a simple tubular feather preceded the evolution of barbs because barbs are created by the differentiation of the tube into barb ridges

When the wash is removed , it contains biological material , including proteins , that the researchers hypothesized would be able to identify those who later suffered organ rejection

All of these vitamins have been hypothesized to cut lung cancer risk , according to cho ' s team , but the research evidence has been spotty

Four types of errors are identified in this chapter . . they are overgenerapzation , ignorance of rule restriction , inplete apppcation of rules and false concepts hypothesized

At the same time , the researchers hoped that unifies the root and stem ' s growth pattern , forms the entire hypothesized plant the pattern and builds the hypothesized plant laboratory

It's difficult to see hypothesize in a sentence. 用hypothesize造句挺難的




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