词语大全 basic wage中文翻譯

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Ford ' s basic wage of $ 5 a day caused not only a wage explosion in the city , it also caused a population explosion
福特公司給工人每天5美元的基本工資,在底特律不僅引起工資猛漲,而且還引起人口激增。 <> Now my basic wage is 2800 rmb , added with percentage . so i hope to get a salary more than the current in some degree
我目前的底薪是2800人民幣,然后加上提成,所以,我希望在目前的基礎上有一定的提高。 <> Cesar , a quaty left - sided midfielder , is set to be handed a basic wage but also a number of bonuses nked to appearances and goals
塞薩爾,一名出色的左中場,盡管只拿著基本工資,但仍然和出色表現與進球聯系在一起。 <> In 1914 , when the basic wage for an industrial worker in detroit was $ 11 a week , tord announced that he would pay his workers $ 5 a day
1914年,底特律產業工人的基本工資是每周11美元,而福特卻宣布他給工人的報酬是每天5美元。 <> Party a pays rmb to party b as basic wage per month . the aforesaid remuneration excludes all subsidies paid to party b pursuant to party a ' s stipulation
1甲方支付乙方的每月基本工資為人民幣元。上述薪酬不包括甲方按公司補貼規定按月向乙方支付的所有補貼。 <> 2 in addition to the basic wages , party a shall pay monthly a sum of 100 euros to party b as “ food money ” so that party b may be able to buy foods and other daily necessities
除基本工資外,聘方還應每月發給受聘方食品費100歐元,以便聘方購買食品和其他日常必需品。 <> The diocese should offer more pastoral services to migrant workers and should encourage parishioners who hire domestic helpers to pay the basic wage and to give them a day off
教區應為外籍工人提供牧民服務。教友雇用家庭傭工,不要?滿足于遵守最低工資及假期等法例。 <> 2 party a shall , within one week after receipt of party b ' s bill , pay all the due amount of basic wages , overtime allowances to party b by telegraphic transfer to party b ' s bank account with the bank of china , guangzhou
聘方應在接受聘方的工資單一星期以內,將基本工資和加班費電匯給廣州中國銀行受聘方的賬戶。 <> While the o governments acknowledge that fipino migrants should only pay one month of their basic wage of $ nt15 , 840 plus other fees that the phippine government imposes for a total of $ nt24 , 000
雖然雙方政府都承認,菲籍移工只應付一個月的基本薪資(臺幣15840元) ,再加上菲國政府課徵的其他費用,共為臺幣24000元。 <> Under the following circumstances , party a may cancel the contract with 30 days prior written notice to party b or paying one month basic wage instead and legally pay economic pensation or subsidy to party b
有下列情形之一的,甲方可以解除勞動合同,但是應當提前30天以書面形式通知乙方或支付一個月基本工資代替,并依法支付乙方經濟補償金或補助費。 <>
It includes , apart from basic wages and salaries , cost - of - ving allowances , meal benefits , missions and tips , good attendance bonuses , shift allowances , guaranteed year - end bonuses , and other guaranteed and regular bonuses and allowances
除基本工資及薪金外,工資率亦包括生活津貼、膳食福利、傭金及小費、勤工獎、輪班津貼、固定發放的年終花紅及其他固定及定期發放的花紅和津貼。 <> Then we draw out the evaluation content respectively from leader work , economy work and social work and assign ratio , confirm evaluation method in practice , we pay administrators basic wages depending on average ine per farmer in the village when they get values , and we give extra wages depending on surplus values
然后按照村級工作的領導崗位、經濟工作崗位、社會工作崗位等三個類別分別抽取出各類別的評價內容,并分配權重,確定測評方法。在具體運用時,達到測評合格分值時按該村農民人均純收入數額發放基本工資,超過合格分值部分給予浮動工資。 <> This text analyses the current situations and problems on the salary management of chinese enterprise ; studies and draws lessons systematically from the domestic and international theories and methods about the salary management ; explains and analyses the culture , the general management situations and relevant enterprises " advanced salary management methods in the researching enterprise " country ; pares this country ' s management system with those in america , korea and other developed countries ; and analyses the researching enterprises " background and current situations of salary management , by using relevant theories , manpower - resource - management , organizing behaviouristics psychcholoics , ecmomics , operationreserch , statistics , management . . . ect , this text bines the reaty to set up japanese employee ' s salary administrative system on the japan branch of china northwest airnes . this text also sets up four major salary systems : basic wages , rewarding wages ( the prize ) , additional wages and the welfare ; defines the dynamic salary standard ; and fulfills the quantization , totazation , electronic data processing and benefiting from the salary management
本文分析了中國企業薪酬管理現狀及存在的問題,比較系統地學習和借鑒了國內外關于薪酬管理的理論和做法;闡述分析了研究企業所在國家的人文化、企業管理概況及相關企業先進的薪酬管理的辦法,并將該國的管理制度與美國、韓國等發達國際進行了比較;在此基礎上分析了所研究企業的背景與薪酬管理的現狀,通過運用人力資源管理學、組織行為學、心理學、經濟學、運籌學、統計學、管理學等相關學科的理論,結合實際,建立了中國西北航空公司日本地區辦事處日本雇員薪酬管理系統;設立了日本雇員基本薪資、獎勵薪資(獎金) 、附加薪資和福利等四大項薪酬內容,最終確定了動態薪酬標準,實現了薪酬管理數量化、綜合化、電算化、效益化,較好地調動了日本雇員的工作熱情,使企業內部管理工作走上了良性循環軌道。 <>




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