词语大全 laboratory中文翻譯

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篇首语:所谓活着的人,就是不断挑战的人,不断攀登命运险峰的人。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 laboratory中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

A sulphurous smell came from the laboratory .
實驗室傳來了硫磺氣味。<> A laboratory must be kept in good order .
實驗室里必須保持井井有條。<> Each step can be dupcated in laboratory .
每一步都可在實驗室中進行驗證。<>Laboratory tests show polymorphonuclear leukocytosis .
實驗表明多型核白細胞增多。<> Conversely, the universe provides a laboratory .
反過來,宇宙空間也可作為實驗室。<> They have been transported to the laboratory for analysis .
它們已被送往實驗室分析。<> He would stay for hours at a stretch in the laboratory .
他在實驗室里一蹲就是好幾個小時。<> New inventions often languish in the laboratory for years .
新的發明都將在實驗室里孕育多年。<> A mon laboratory source of ght is provided by a mercury arc .
通常的實驗室光源選用汞弧燈。<> Most laboratory animals are quite insensitive to enterotoxin .
Our modern atomic laboratories are built for safety .
我們現代的原子實驗室是考慮了安全而修建的。<> The strength of material is usually obtained by laboratory tests .
通常由實驗室的試驗得到材料的強度。<> Green kept 10 tame dingoes in separate laboratory pens .
格林把十只馴服了的野狗養在隔離的實驗圍欄里。<> Having thus spoken his mind, grandet went upstairs to his laboratory .
說完之后,葛朗臺走進他的工作室。<> A rigid, precise turntable is attached to the laboratory floor .
一架堅固的精密的轉臺被固定在試驗室地上。<> This rotation amounts to a small acceleration of the laboratory .
這種轉動相當于實驗室有一個很小的加速度。<> Our laboratory equipment is n't perfect , but we must make do .
實驗室設備是不夠理想,但我們只好因陋就簡。<> Most laboratory methods use some type of electromechanical transducers .
多數實驗方法都使用某種機電換能器。<> Figure 4-2 shows a present-day laboratory version of the electroscope .
圖42就是目前實驗室里的驗電器樣式。<> Routine laboratory tests frequently indicate a relative lymphocytosis .
Paul sized up tom when he first met him in the laboratory .
保羅第一次在研究室遇到湯姆時,就判斷他是怎樣的人。<> Sming as he remembered, martin thought of the laboratory maze .
回憶到這兒,馬丁笑了,他想起了實驗室中的迷津。<> The photochemical effect has been reproduced many times in laboratory experiments .
光化學效應在實驗室試驗中多次復制。<> Homemade laboratory apparatus was the rule rather than the exception .
家庭制作的實驗儀器并不是少見的,而是司空見慣的。<> Scales and balances are the tools of mass measurement in all laboratories .
在所有的實驗室里測量質量的工具是砝碼和天平。<> Galeo was never able to dupcate the ideazed experiment in the laboratory .
伽利略無法在實驗室中重現這種理想的實驗。<> At present such beds are only laboratory curiosities of theoretical interest .
目前這類體層只是實驗室里理論上可探索的特例。<> In such situations specific laboratory tests are necessary to estabsh the etiology .
在此情況下,需要特異性實驗來確定病原。<> One laboratory stock of drosophila melanogaster has very reduced or vestigial wings .
果蠅的一種實驗品系,翅膀縮小,稱為殘翅。<> Some mercial laboratories use periodic nitrate nitrogen tests as guides .
The joint use of professional photographic laboratories rarely works out well .
和職業照相室合用一間暗房是做不出什么好成績來的。<> The arrangement shown in fig. 4. 24 was developed at the national engineering laboratory .
國立工程研究所研制了圖424所示的結構。<> It is a large natural laboratory in which evolution can be seen at work .
它是個巨大的天然實驗室,在那里可以看到實際的的演變過程。<> These particular photographs were taken during an undergraduate laboratory session .
這些具體的照片是在實驗室中學生做實驗時拍攝的。<>Laboratory work needs not only accurate measurements but also correct calculation .
實驗工作不但需要準確的測量,而且需要準確的計算。<> The most sophisticated laboratory conditions mean the difficulty of determinations of uranium .
高度現代化的實驗條件對測定鈾有困難。<> The scientists also made field observations that supported these laboratory findings .
這些科學家還作了野外觀察,支持了實驗室的發現。<> The research laboratory is the natural training ground in experimental physics .
對于實驗物理來說,研究實驗室才是理所當然的訓練場所。<> There is a substantial research effort being made in this laboratory and else where .
在這個實驗室及其他地方作了一些實質性的研究工作。<> Such ideal laboratory conditions are not readily reproduced in large-scale equipment .




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