词语大全 grace church中文翻譯

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篇首语:案头见蠹鱼,犹胜凡俦侣。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 grace church中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Shepherd munity grace church
基督教牧鄰教會恩臨堂<> Ocm grace church
中宣會長恩堂ccgn <> Pray for our united service with grace church on may 30th . ask the lord to use this special time to bring honor and glory to himself
請為5月30日我們跟思恩堂聯合崇拜禱告,求主用這特別的時間來榮耀尊崇? 。 <> Pray for grace church ' s long - term goal - building a great mission church . our church is focusing on the following o aspects of the great mission of our lord : 1 . world evangesm ; 2 . discipleship
記念懷恩堂的長遠目標- "建立一間大使命教會" 。教會要將主所頒布的大使命的兩個重點落實: 1 .差傳(海外宣教) ; 2 .門徒訓練。 <> Pray for god ' s presence , wisdom , strength and grace upon chairperson dn yan yin wing that he may lead the deacon board to further god ' s entrusted mission for grace church in this new year
求主與主席甄炎榮弟兄同在,賜下智慧,能力及足夠的恩典,讓他能忠心地帶領執事部在新一年度推動圣工,并執行神在懷恩堂的托付及使命。 <>




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