词语大全 kashmir造句 kashmirの例文 "kashmir"是什麼意思

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kashmir造句 kashmirの例文 "kashmir"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Approach to peaceful resolution to kashmir issue
論和平解決克什米爾問題的途徑<> I was saying that what ' s happening in kashmir
我正在說在克什米爾發生的事情<> Grenade attack in indian kashmir wounds 14
印屬克什米爾榴彈攻擊十四傷<> Purple : farmers in kashmir are picking saffron in suburb
紫:克什米爾農民在郊區采摘藏紅花。 <> Guerrillas attacked an army camp in kashmir on saturday
游擊隊員周六襲擊了喀什米爾的一個軍營<> Source of disputes over kashmir continued
克什米爾爭端之原委續<> Do you think the indians should cede kashmir to the pakistanis
你認為印度該把克什米爾割讓給巴基斯坦<> It occupies one - fifth of the original state of jammu and kashmir
它占領原查謨和克什米爾的五分之一。 <> Do they import any kashmir wool
他們進口克什米爾羊毛嗎? <> Why did the news interest fade so quickly in the 2005 kashmir quake
克什米爾大地震為何遭到媒體冷落? <> It's difficult to see kashmir in a sentence. 用kashmir造句挺難的<> " kashmir " ? - is that your idea of making a contribution
- “克什米爾之詩” ? -你就是這樣來幫我們的嗎? <> - ' ' kashmir ' ' ? - is that your idea of making a contribution
- “克什米爾之詩” ? -你就是這樣來幫我們的嗎? <> Chinas diplomatic pocy towards south asia and kashmir issue
印度南部地區的農村工業化及其經濟發展特點評述<> Yes , yes , totally kashmir
對,對,絕對是克什米爾<> Indian and pakistani kashmir
印巴及克什米爾地區<> No , kashmir , as in the disputed region beeen india and pakistan
不,我說的克什米爾是指印巴之間那塊充滿爭議的地區<> But years of international pressure have failed to help resolve the kashmir issue
多年的國際施壓仍未能解決克什米爾問題。 <> Jim : pakistan and india have fought three wars over the area of kashmir
吉姆:巴基斯坦與印度在喀什米爾地區已打過三次戰爭。 <> Suzy : and kashmir is islamic , right ? so how did this escalation happen
蘇西:喀什米爾屬伊斯蘭教,對嗎?這件事是怎麼擴大的? <> Kashmiri fisherman rows his boat through autumn leaves in kashmir ' s dal lake in srinagar
一位克什米爾漁民撐船駛入秋天的斯里那加戴爾湖。 <>
And neither of those o things can happen without a durable solution in kashmir
而且,若非克什米爾問題的永久解決,二者的實現將不過是癡人說夢。 <> We ' re working hard to bring a peaceful resolution to kashmir , which is important for china
我們努力使克什米爾問題得到和平解決,這對中國是重要的。 <> We re working hard to bring a peaceful resolution to kashmir , which is important for china
我們努力使克什米爾問題得到和平解決,這對中國是重要的。 <> Many in kashmir resent and fear the mitants ; but most feel the same about the army
克什米爾的許多人對武裝分子既狠又怕,大多數人對于軍隊也是如此。 <> My brother jonathan , my sister sarah , wele to kashmir , wele to heaven on earth
“我的喬老弟,我的莎小姐,歡迎來到克什米爾,歡迎來到人間的天堂。 ” <> And kashmir . the entire balochistan is strewn with the remains of the earest products of man s activities
整個balochistan被撒布與人的活動最早期的產品的遺骸的。 <> They are expected to discuss terrorism , nuclear security and pakistan ' s dispute with india over kashmir
他們將就恐怖主義、核安全和印巴克什米爾爭端等問題交換意見。 <> In october , an earthquake killed more than eighty thousand in pakistan and pakistani - administered kashmir
十月,巴基斯坦和巴控克什米爾地區的一場地震中有八萬多人喪生。 <> Other ruby deposits are located in northern pakistan in the hunza valley , kashmir , tadzhikistan , laos , nepal , and afghanistan
寮國尼泊爾和阿富汗。不僅如此,印度的邁索爾<> Before being synonymous with confct , the word kashmir evoked wildflower meadows and crystal mountain lakes
在成為沖突的同義詞以前?克什米爾勾起的是野花原和清澈的高山湖泊。 <> It's difficult to see kashmir in a sentence. 用kashmir造句挺難的<> India and pakistan control separate portions of kashmir , but both claim the territory in its entirety
印度和巴基斯坦各自控制了克什米爾的一部分,但對宣稱對整個克什米爾擁有主權。 <> In october , an earthquake killed more than eighty thousand in pakistan and pakistani - administered kashmir
十月份在巴基斯坦和巴基斯坦控制的喀什米爾地區發生的一次地震死亡了八萬多人。 <> Despite the fact that islam forbids the use of contraceptives , the demand for condoms in kashmir has risen significantly
盡管回教禁止使用避孕用具,但是喀什米爾地區的保險套需求已顯著增加。 <> Afzal was sentenced in september by india ' s supreme court , sparking violent protests in his native indian kashmir
阿夫札爾在9月間被印度最高法院判刑,在其故鄉印屬喀什米爾地區引起抗議暴動。 <> Foreign ministry spokesman kong quan s ment on the opening of checking points on the control ne of kashmir by india and pakistan
外交部發言人孔泉就印巴開放克什米爾控制線上檢查站事答記者問<> There are reports saying that pakistan and india are making progress on the kashmir issue . what ' ' s your ment on it
問:有報道說,巴基斯坦和印度在克什米爾問題上取得新的進展,對此你有何評論? <> Q : there are reports saying that pakistan and india are making progress on the kashmir issue . what ' ' s your ment on it
問:有報道說,巴基斯坦和印度在克什米爾問題上取得新的進展,對此你有何評論? <> However , a just settlement in kashmir would do more to undercut the men of blood than any amount of pakistani poce - work
然而,克什米爾問題的公正解決對于削弱暴徒的力量較之投入無數的巴基斯坦警力更為有效。 <> Speciasts and connoisseurs regard the kashmir colour with its velvety shine as the most beautiful and most valuable blue
對專家和玩家們而言,呈現出如天鵝絨般光澤的印度克什米爾藍寶石,是最美麗及最有價值的色彩。 <> The core issue beeen pakistan and india is kashmir confct which has lasted for over half a century
摘要克什米爾沖突一直是印度和巴基斯坦兩國關系中的核心問題,半個多世紀以來克什米爾見證了印巴兩國關系的曲折和反復。 <>
Sadly , this physical beauty is one of the reasons why the state of jammu and kashmir is engulfed in a bitter territorial dispute beeen india and pakistan
可悲的是?印巴拼死爭奪查謨-克什米爾邦?該邦的山川美麗?正是原因之一。 <> While india has accused china of occupying territory in kashmir , beijing has laid claim to territory in the north - east indian state of arunachal pradesh
印度指責中國占領克什米爾領土,北京則宣稱印度東北部的阿魯納恰爾邦為中國領土。 <> India and pakistan have ended their second day of peace talks focusing on their long - running dispute over kashmir and confidence - building measures
印度和巴基斯坦結束第二天和談。會談的重點是圍繞克什米爾的長期爭端和建立互信的措施。 <> This game is recorded to have been played in rajputana , kashyapa meru ( kashmir ) , utkala ( orissa ) the deccan and even in nepal
有史料記載,這種游戲是流行在拉杰普塔納、卡什雅帕米茹(克什米爾) 、尤卡拉(奧里薩邦) 、德干高原,甚至是尼泊爾。 <> And if the stone selected then also happens to be a genuine , certificated kashmir or burmese , the price will probably reflect the enthusiasm of the true gemstone lover
克什米爾藍寶石或緬甸藍寶石,是收藏極的寶石,其高昂的價格是可想而知。 <> Typical of the kashmir colour is a pure , intense blue with a very subtle violet undertone , which is intensified yet more by a fine , silky shine
克什米爾藍寶石的顏色是呈矢車菊的藍色,也就是微帶紫的靛藍色。典型的克什米爾藍寶石,其純凈且濃艷的藍色<> In addition to the dispute about arunachal pradesh india says china still controls indian territory in kashmir . u . s . removes vietnam from blackst on regious freedom
除了有關阿魯納恰爾邦的爭端之外,印度還說,中國仍然控制著克什米爾內的印度領土。 <> The confidence - building steps include a proposed cross - border bus and truck service beeen poonch in indian kashmir and rawalakot in pakistani controlled kashmir
樹立信心的步驟包括擬議中的在印控克什米爾的蓬澤和巴控克什米爾的拉沃拉果德之間開通跨越邊界的公交車和卡車服務。 <> The confidence - building steps include a proposed cross - border bus and truck service beeen poonch in indian kashmir and rawalakot in pakistani controlled kashmir
樹立信心的步驟包括擬議中的在印控克什米爾的查謨和巴控克什米爾的拉沃拉果德之間開通跨越邊界的公交車和卡車服務。 <> It's difficult to find kashmir in a sentence. 用kashmir造句挺難的<>




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