词语大全 calla造句 callaの例文 "calla"是什麼意思

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篇首语:业无高卑志当坚,男儿有求安得闲?本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 calla造句 callaの例文 "calla"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

calla造句 callaの例文 "calla"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Watercolor painting and framing the calla pp

Did you ever hear maria callas sing

It also introduced o ' malley ' s strategy training model calla and the theory of classroom assessment
介紹了o ' malley的策略訓練模式calla和課堂評估的理論。

The xizhilang masters of ceremony contest mastered by her has won the champion of the eighth calla tv programme among eight provinces and cities
主持的“ 98廣東省喜之郎司儀大賽”榮獲全國八省市青少電視節目評選一等獎。

Not even maria callas , arguably the ultimate operatic prima donna , did what the 43 - year - old frenchman did , leaving fellow performers stunned midway through an act and forcing an understudy wearing jeans to rush on and take over

Not far from leng shui keng is chutzuhu " bamboo lake " , where a lake was created in prehistoric times when a volcanic eruption sent debris rumbpng into a valley , where it dammed up a stream . chutzuhu in recent years has bee noted for its many flowers , especially the calla ppes that bloom every year from december

Transformed shoots were selected on sopdified medium containing kanamycin . ten kanamycin resistant transformants were obtained by direct or induction calla . these transformants were checked by pcr , pcr - southern blot and southern blot , confirmed that o positive transformants were integrated into the genome of boechmeria nivea l guad
對所得到的抗性轉化株進行了pcr 、 pcr - southernblot 、 southernblot檢測,其中2株呈陽性,證明vp4基因已整合到苧麻基因組dna中。

It's difficult to find calla in a sentence. 用calla造句挺難的




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