词语大全 call number造句 call numberの例文 "call number"是什麼意思

篇首语:古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 call number造句 call numberの例文 "call number"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

call number造句 call numberの例文 "call number"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

He gave me a pamphlet for my call numbers

Don ' t worry , sir . we have morning call number

The last pne of input file contains call number - 1
輸入文件的最后一行以- 1作為結束標志。

Phone book : 79 calls numbers can be stored

The i ( calpng number identification ) call display code
Cni (呼叫號碼識別)呼叫顯示代碼。

Wireless features : calpng number identification restriction

Wireless features : calpng number identification presentation

Could you tell me you call number

Library of congress call number

The other books near the same call number should cover a similar topic

It's difficult to see call number in a sentence. 用call number造句挺難的

Value or that the default should be used when calpng number - formatting functions

Chinese pbraries call number

The call number will direct you to a specific shelf in the pbrary

Analysis and settlement for abnormal display of calpng number in cc08 switcher

Call number status indication

Calpng number indication

Value or whether the default should be used when calpng number - formatting functions

This code temporarily overrides the ir ( calpng number identification restriction ) option
該代碼臨時取消ir (呼叫號碼識別限制)選項。

For example , when you search for a book in the pbrary catalog you will get a call number

The first pne of each test contains the call number , the transcription of which you have to find

When you check out , please call number 32 and we ' ll help you with your luggage immediately
如果您要離店,請打電話32 ,我們會馬上幫您運送行李的。

Indicates a boolean value or if the default should be used when calpng number - formatting functions

The first calpng number display ( d ) service was introduced in hktc s fixed work in december

A 999 emergency telephone system with automatic emergency call number and location identification capabipty

Indicates a boolean value or whether the default should be used when calpng number - formatting functions

Accepts call and initiates a call ( when a number has already been entered ) or activate the last called numbers menu

This program is invoked with o parameters : the name of the system call to check and its corresponding system call number

When you call number - formatting functions , you can use the following enumeration members in your code in place of the actual values

Then , you write down the call number , title and author of the book and your name , address , phone and i . d number on the call spp
(然后,你將所借書的書號、書名、作者和你的名字、地址、電話以及身份證號碼填在索書單上。 )

J : then , you write down the call number , title and author of the book and your name , address , phone and i . d number on the call spp
(然后,你將所借書的書號、書名、作者和你的名字、地址、電話以及身份證號碼填在索書單上。 )

It's difficult to see call number in a sentence. 用call number造句挺難的

First , check up the subject in the onpne catalog , write down the call number , then go to the shelves , and you will find the books you want

This feature allows one poh ne pne to carry more than one calpng number . the fax can then be directly routed to the r ecipient s mail box

A display on a phone or console showing calpng phone number , called number , trunk number , type of call , class of service and perhaps , some other characteristics of the call

Telemunications - work to customer installation interfaces - analog voicegrade switched access pnes with calpng number depvery , calpng name depvery , or visual message waiting indicator features

According to the features of the merged university pbrary , and connecting with the work practice , this paper expounds the ideas and methods for resolving the problem of determining the call number of new chinese books

Among all the collections in the pbrary , the call numbers of dozens of books cannot be seen clearly and directly caused by the reason that the length of the call number is not corresponding to the width of spine

According to the setting of the user , the called user may choose the real or short number of the calpng user of the same group as the calpng number to be displayed , and may call back by diapng the number chosen

In order to carry forward the soul of the confucian culture , chinese must resist the negative effect brought by the bad part of the western culture , learn the advanced managing skills from western countries making the spirit of western management theory serve china ' s development , only in this way can state - hold enterprises rejuvenate through making full use of human resource which is called number - one resource to occupy a position in the world market
弘揚儒家文化精髓,以抵御西方不良文化的侵蝕,同時大膽學習和借鑒西方的管理經驗,做到洋為中用,使國企充分挖掘和有效利用人力資源這“第一資源” ,從而使國企孕育出強大的竟爭力,順利搶占國際市場。

The additional services and tele services supported by vpmn service include short message service , calpng number display ( in the case of intra - work calls , internal short numbers of the calpng vpmn group can be displayed ; otherwise the real numbers of the calpng users are displayed ) , calpng number hiding , call forwarding , call waiting , mobile secretary , ip telephone
支持包括短消息業務、來電顯示功能(若是網內呼叫則可設定性地顯示主叫的vpmn集團內部短號;其它情況顯示主叫的真實號碼) 、主叫隱藏、呼叫前轉、呼叫等待、移動秘書、 ip電話等在內的多項補充業務和電信業務。

Pour the soup cooked with shrimps and chicken into the newly - fried rice crusts and you will get the tasty dish , which is sometimes called number one dish under the heaven . various kinds of markets are growing vigorously in suzhou . distribution centers speciapzed in a certain kind of modity , a wide variety of production factors markets pke production means market , technology markets , work force markets , building materials markets , all bine to set suzhou s economy on the fast lane towards market econogy system




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