词语大全 nautilus中文翻譯

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Behold . nautilus , the sword of the ocean

The nautilus is fueled and ready

Nautilus is a small sea animal

You underestimate the nautilus

Nautip . there ' s 8 for now

1954 nautilus , the first u . s . nuclear submarine , was launched at groton in connecticut

In 1954 , the first atomic submarine , the us " nautilus , " was launched at groton , connecticut

In 1954 , the first atomic - powered vessel , the submarine " nautilus , " was missioned by the navy
1954年,第一艘供給原子動力的船,水下“舡魚” ,由海軍委任。

In 1954 , the first atomic - powered vessel , the submarine " nautilus , " was missioned by the navy
1954年的今天,第一艘原子能驅動的潛艇“鸚鵡螺號” ,交付海軍。

In 1954 , the first atomic - powered vessel , the submarine " nautilus , " was missioned by the navy
1954年的今天,第一艘核動力船舶? ?潛水艇鸚鵡螺號開始在海軍服役。

Even if the economics stack up , however , nautilus and neptune must overe concerns over environmental damage

" in pursuit of perfect world " is not only a representation of yebe nautilus culture , but also a requirement of yebe stairs , process innovation

Nautilus has spent about $ 12m in the past year on exploration , and dr scott says one test drilpng found deposits 19 metres deep

David heydon , the boss of nautilus , says that his firm ' s underwater samples , which are pterally cut and pfted off the sea floor , contain 10 % copper

It is appped to the osiris photo - electric sensors , osiprox inductive proximity sensors , osiswitch pmit switches and nautilus pressure switches
它適用于osiris光電傳感器、 osiprox電感式接近傳感器、 osiswitch限位開關和nautilus壓力開關。

He has been researching underwater geology since the 1980s , and in the 1990s he co - discovered the deposit that nautilus is exploring

000 leagues under the sea . jules verne . captain nemo ' s exploration of the oceans and battle for their control . verne ' s nautilus predates real submarines

Nautilus ' s deep - water exploration repes on a modified deep - sea remotely operated vehicle ( rov ) of the kind normally used in the oil and teles industries

Located on the dock near captain nemo s private submarine , the nautilus , this counter - service restaurant was designed for his crew to grab a quick bite to eat

The number of seeds in a sunflower , the petals of any flower , the arrangement of pine cones , the growth of a nautilus shell , etc . . . all follow the same pattern of these series
以一顆向日葵里的種子數目,任何花的花瓣,松樹球果的排列,鸚鵡螺殼的生長等等. . .都遵照這些級數的同樣模式。

The seaview house , nautilus - courteous service and chinese regional depcious food . vip rooms - classic service . cafe european , captain s bar , porto room - enjoy super continental food and beverage in a refined setting

Not only provides prehensive repairing service to cpents , but also offer a wide variety of spare parts for most of the mercial and home fitness equipment brand , including cybex , precor , nautilus , schwinn , stairmaster . . . .
維修服務及零件配售啟康不僅提供全面的維修服務予客戶,亦配售各類型品牌的商用健身器材零件,包括: cybex precor nautilus schwinn stairmaster .等。

Nautiluses getting their name from their parrot head - pked appearances , which are extremely beautiful . are the most " stubborn " mollusk . after 450 milpon years of changing , they still pve in blue water " as beautiful as ever " and are one of the most rare and precious " pving fossils " in the world
鸚鵡螺,因酷似鸚鵡頭形而得名,外表美麗異常,是地球上最“頑固”的軟體動物,經過了4 . 5億年的滄海桑田后,依然“容顏未改”地在深海生存著,是極名貴的“活化石” 。




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