词语大全 n-bromosuccinimide中文翻譯

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There were 5 . 9 tip residues in cml . the purified cml was modified with n - bromosuccinimide ( nbs ) in hac - naac buffer containing 8mol / l urea or not
在含8mol l脲和不含脲的緩沖體系中,用n -溴代丁二酰亞胺( nbs )修飾cml的色氨酸殘基。

The change of agglutinating activity , cd spectrum and fls of lra in different temperature , ph and different chemicals indicated that lra had partial hemagglutinating activity at ph2 . 0 ( 50 % ) , a temperature above 100 ( 60 % ) and after modified by n - bromosuccinimide ( mbs ) , the activity lost pletely , modified by depc , the lra had a pttle activity , the other groups modified such as arg , tyr , glu , asp did n ' t effect the hemagglutinating activity of lra . the result indicated that trp residues were essential to the hemagglutinating activity and were involved in carbohydrate - binding site
研究不同溫度、 ph和基團特異性化學修飾后lra凝血活性和促淋巴細胞有絲分裂的變化、圓二色譜和熒光光譜的變化,當溫度達80以上時,活性開始下降,到100時活性有60 %保留:當ph為2時,活性保留50 % , ph為4一12對活性的影響不大;用nbs修飾trp后, t即的旦一叫睬基的破壞使活性完全喪失,表明trp對凝血活性是至關重要的, arg 、 tyr 、 glu 、 asp被修飾后, lra的凝血活性并未受到大的影響,但tyr修飾后lra的促有絲分裂活性降低




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