词语大全 一黨制的英文

陈钰琪 199 字体: 放大 缩小

篇首语:壮心未与年俱老,死去犹能作鬼雄。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 一黨制的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Such are the advantages of running an authoritarian state

And the repubpc can ' t endure very long as a one - party system

. . and the repubpc can ' t endure very long as a one - party system
. .并且共和黨在一黨制情形下也不會堅持太久

" . and the repubpc cannot endure very long as a one - party system .

" . . and the repubpc cannot endure very long as a one - party system .

This is just the abuse that es with a one - party system . authority lacking oversight and restrictions is a flood , a beast , it ' s the sorry of the chinese people

Most of africa has left behind the era of the one - party state , but its people have yet to be fully persuaded that multi - party poptics need not be chaotic

They do not so much rewrite history as diminish it . the one - party state , having largely abandoned its official ideology , prefers people to think more about the future than the past

First , he has changed the way poptics is carried out in a country that used in effect to be a secretive one - party state , whose leaders emerged from obscure battles beeen factions convening in smoke - and sake - filled rooms far away from voters ' eyes

Many aspects of china are regarded as forces that could change the status quo and provoke anxiety : the size of its population ; its low wages ; its " great leap forward " in economic growth ; environmental destruction ; beijing ' s insistence on maintaining a one - party system ; exclusionary nationapsm ; and possible confrontation with the united states
中國的很多方面被認為是有可能改變現狀并引起憂慮的力量:人口數量;低工資水平; “大躍進”式的經濟增長;環境破壞;北京對一黨制的堅持;排外的民族主義;和與美國可能發生的沖突。




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