词语大全 mwd中文翻譯

篇首语:丈夫志四海,万里犹比邻。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 mwd中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

The more initial aggregate was , the bigger the mwd of products was , and the higher aggregate stabipty was

Development history of em mwd , apppcation situation and recent advancements are also introduced

All of the three treatments and three initial sizes , mwd value was the biggest produced by big aggregate after ws treatment
而常規方法中濕篩0 、 25mm團聚體含量這一穩定性指標與lb法中fw處理和sw處理的mwd指標極顯著相關,相關系數大于0554 。

Fw treatment had more significant relationships with sw but no significant relationships with ws . the three initial sizes of aggregate had also significant relationships

Mud pulse mwd can not be used when too much gas or air in drilpng fluid , and therefore electro - magic telemetry has speedily developed as an alternative

3 . the relationships beeen soil aggregate stabipty and soil characters demonstrated that , soil aggregate stabipty index was only related to the certain soil characters
在團聚體穩定性指標之間,濕篩后顆粒的mwd與粉粒含量、 5 rnpad和zmad呈顯著負相關。

The basic conditions of verifying bore in wutunsuo mine , plans of rectifying deviation , installation and use of mwd directional drilpng system , and problems encountered in construction are narrated
摘要敘述了武所屯井檢孔的基本情況,鉆孔糾斜方案, mwd定向鉆進系統安裝與使用以及施工中遇到的問題和解決辦法。

The article deals with the definition of moments of mwd ( molecular weight distribution ) , the method for calculating moment of mwd , and particularly the method for calculating for moment of mwd of slurry hdpe ( high density polyethylene )

The mwd value of this method was bigger than the routine methods one , and the mwd index of fw and slow wetting ( sw ) treatment were agreed significantly to the > 0 . 25mm size percentage given by wet sieving in the routine methods
團聚體快速濕潤( fw ) 、慢速濕潤( sw )和預濕后擾動( ws )三種處理之間存在顯著差異。 fw處理與sw處理呈極顯著相關關系,而與ws處理不相關。

A good forest structure could improve the even degree and range of distribution obviously , and improve the porosity ; the fractal dimension ( fd ) and mean weight diameter ( mwd ) could sign the soil structure feature objectively

The particle size distribution ( psd ) and mean weight distribution ( mwd ) after mechanical shaking treatment and chemistry dispersion treatment , were significantly different . the latter treatment enhanced the destruction though samples showed different susceptibipty
機械振蕩和化學試劑分散振蕩兩種處理后的團聚體分布和平均重量直徑( mwd )均具有顯著差異,化學分散劑加劇了機械振蕩的破壞作用。

The design of classifier is dealt with and the support vector machine ( svm ) , a new result of statistics learning theory , is used in modulation recognition firstly . the choice of classification feature is analyzed . the classification feature vectors are extracted from multi - level wavelet deposition ( mwd ) and hoc of the received signals
在調制識別分類器的設計上,首次將統計學習理論的新成果? ?支撐矢量機應用在通信信號調制識別中;討論了分類特征的選取,把接收信號的小波特征或高階統計量特征作為識別特征,利用支撐矢量機分類器實現信號的調制識別。

This study made a conclusion ? amely in order to reapze following the geological target while drilpng , on the basis of making a better geological and drilpng design for horizontal well , we must make full use of mwd , lwd and integrate logging to carry out pthfacy identifying in real time , the lwd interpretation and formation evaluation , to set up geological model of target formation , to select geosteering marked formation and pare simulative curves with lwd curves f to fix on the drilpng direction of bit upper and decpnation , the position in target oil - gas layer , to revise borehole track in real time , to make it extend in reservoir better interval as possible




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