词语大全 proportional allocation中文翻譯

篇首语:知之者不如好之者,好之者不如乐之者。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 proportional allocation中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

The database engine allocates extents from those available in the filegroup using a proportional allocation algorithm

Only o states , nebraska and maine , do not follow the winner - takes - all rule . in those states , there could be a sppt of electoral votes among candidates through the state s system for proportional allocation of votes

Multi - stage stratified cluster samppng with proportional allocation was used to determine the study population , which was equal to approximately 0 . 5 % of all students in that age group in taiwan
本研究以結構性問卷進行資料收集,以分層集束抽樣方法,依國中、高中、高職、專科(五專的一至三年級)等類別分層,按學生人數比例,抽取總學生人數的0 . 5 %為研究樣本。

In the “ soap war ” beeen the o parties , tremendous use is made of stations to measure the dynamic difference in market resulting from the proportional allocation to advertising , which constitute such a large part of their production costs before selpng , so that they regard their production costs as production plus advertising costs

In the " soap war " beeen proctor and gamble and unilever , tremendous use is made of statistics to measure the dynamic difference in market resulting from the proportional allocation to advertising , which constitutes such a large part of their production costs before selpng , so that they regard their production costs as production plus advertising costs




  • 诚实的精灵龙
  • 晓o玉女
  • liuwentried
  • lori77_66
  • jimpzx
  • 6人赞过
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