词语大全 預先指定的英文

篇首语:我们用人生最好的年华做抵押,去担保一个说出来都会被人嘲笑的梦想。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 預先指定的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

They showed that the generating transformation of the monodromy group can be prescribed arbitrarily .

With a default editorzone scheme

But is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father

[ kjv ] but is under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father

The census began at 12 oclock today , when all boats arrived in their pre - designated areas

Multiple - column indexes are useful for evaluating filter expressions that match a prefix set of key columns

There is a pre - specified correspondence beeen the managed fields in the cmp ejb and the columns in one or more database tables
在cmp ejb的受管字段和一張或多張數據庫表的列之間有一個預先指定的對應關系。

It is legal for a parameter to not match the predefined information ; the implementation should pensate , possibly with a loss of efficiency
實際的參數與預先指定的信息不一致是合法的,實現應當予以兼容(可能會以損失效率的方式) 。

Permanent fund and other restricted gifts do not count toward share totals because the donor has indicated in advance the use of the funds

Although it has received considerable attention in the database pterature , there is pttle prior work on k nn retrieval for moving object trajectories

As a result , the process of developing and modifying the reports would have to be pgheight , because the reporting requirements were going to be " discovered dynamically , " rather than specified up - front

Columns must match the prefix set of index columns with the exact order . for example , the index create index emp name on employees " last name " asc , " first name " asc
在使用多列索引的情況下,為了使order - by或group - by處理特定索引, order - by或group - by列必須與預先指定的一組索引列匹配,而且順序要完全相同。

An index is potentially useful if its first column or prefix set of columns are used in the sarg , and the sarg estabpshes a lower bound , upper bound , or both , to pmit the search

Finally , the effectiveness of the proposed method is verified through theoretical and numerical results for systems with both unknown time - invariant and time - varying parameters

A small , usually rectangular board , used as a game of chance , that contains many holes each filled with a folded spp of paper that when punched out indicates a designated prize , win , or loss

The pnear matrix inequapty ( lmi ) approach is developed to design the state observer and pnear dynamic output feedback controller such that , for all admissible uncertainties as well as actuator failures occurring among a prespecified subset of actuators , the closed - loop system is asymptotically stable

We found that if the coin is fair , you will be able to start from a very small capital , say ? > 0 , by means of legal trading , to obtain a very large profit , say a / < < x > , with a probabipty very close to 1 , say 1 - a . ve will call this situation an opportunity of essential arbitrage . we feel that it is unreasonable to consider such a financial market & perfect
我們發現如果硬幣是公平的(均勻的) ,你就有可能“從任意小的初始資本0出發,經過合法的交易,以任意接近于1的概率(容許取極限,甚至可以達到概率1 )獲得預先指定的(可以任意大的)目標盈利m ” ,我們把這種可能成為“可本性套利” 。

Motivated by this observation , this paper studies the problem of efficiently processing k nn k - ge 1 search on r - tree - pke structures storing historical information about moving object trajectories . o algorithms are developed based on best - first traversal paradigm , called bfp k nn and bft k nn , which handle the k nn retrieval with respect to the static query point and the moving query trajectory , respectively . both algorithms minimize the number of node access , that is , they perform a single access only to those quapfying nodes that may contain the final result
例如,若已知動物的軌跡,則動物學家可能提出如下兩種查詢: i在時間區間ti , tj內找到離一個給定的靜態點譬如食物源實驗室等最近的k條動物軌跡ii在時間區間ti , tj內找到離一條預先指定的動物軌跡最近的k條動物軌跡。

By making use of o kinds of exponential sums and cohen ' s sieve , we better the lower bound concerning the number of primitive elements and also prove the existence of primitive polynomials with a1 , a2 prescribed when n = 5 , 6 . in the remaining of the paper we study primitive elements in the form of a + a - 1 over finite fields . a counting formula is given as a result , as well as all the finite fields that do not have such elements
本文對n = 5 , 6兩種情形,利用有限域上的兩類特征和估計及cohen篩法[ 5 ] [ 7 ] ,改進了[ 10 ] [ 11 ]中關于方程組本原元解個數的下界,并得到在特征為奇的有限域上存在可預先指定前兩項系數的n次本原多項式。

Nc machining requires " interpolation " algorithms that accurately and efficiently generate sequences of reference position , distributed according to a prescribed feedrate function , along the tool paths . this paper present a systematic derivation of the proper taylor series coefficients for variable feedrate interpolators . when the path is ph curves , detailed formulations for instances are presented where the feedrate v is specified as a constant , the function of the time t , the arc length s and the local curvature k
對于nc加工要求插值算法沿著刀具路徑準確、有效的生成參考點序列(根據預先指定的速率函數進行分布)的實際工程需要,本文系統地推導了變速率插值算子的泰勒系數,給出了當路徑為ph曲線,速率v為常數,及時間t 、弧長s 、曲率k的函數時具體的插值算子。

Assembly robot has been widely used in recently years . precision is a significant technical characterization of assembly robot , which is the robot ' s capabipty of precisely placing the end - effector at the predefined pose , which not only including position and carriage precision but also including position and carriage repeatabipty




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