词语大全 it is fat中文翻譯

篇首语:天才不是别的,而是辛劳和勤奋。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 it is fat中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

It is fat round his heart , a says

The criteria for selecting a partition is that it is fat format filesystem with its

And what the land is , whether it be fat or lean , whether there be wood therein , or not

Due to the impact of planning economic system , our munity organization is not pke what it should be , there will be some phenomenon in the administrative management existed in the munity in different level which became an outside unit , few residents take part in the construction and it is fat from the autonomy

The object of this thesis for a master ' s degree is to study the existence of seasonapty effect in shanghai and shenzhen a - share market . we use the return data of a - share indices ranging from july 21st , 1997 to the end of year 2000 to study this effect by employing five different asymmetric garch - m models . before the garch analysis this paper studied the detail in very detail and find that the data is not much different from the index returns from developed market : it is fat tailed , with high kurtosis
本研究首先對選取的樣本? ?中國的上海和深圳兩個股票市場a -股綜合指數1997年7月21日到2002年12月31日間1316個交易日的收益率的數據分別進行了深入的分析,發現滬深兩市已經逐步趨于規范化,其指數收益率分布具有明顯的尖峰、厚尾的特點;然后分別運用了ljung - boxq檢驗和增廣的dick - fuller檢驗,發現所研究的兩個市場的收益率都具有明顯的自相關性,并且都是穩定序列;最后利用white異方差檢驗和arch性檢驗,證明了本文所研究的樣本具有明顯的異方差性和顯著的arch效應,因此用自回歸條件異方差模型來研究中國股市的季節效應非常合適。




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