词语大全 sufficient cause中文翻譯

篇首语:不要以为你的努力可以一劳永逸,权当做你始终一无所有。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 sufficient cause中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason

However , polygyny itself is not a sufficient cause of suicide bombing

Poverty is not a sufficient cause of disgrace , but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace

Poverty is not sufficient cause for disgrace , but poverty without resolution to help oneself is a disgrace

If the impression were not produced by a real corresponding and sufficient cause , how came he , jarvis lorry , there

I understand that misrepresentation or omission of any material required required in this electronic form will be sufficient cause to terminate my sercices with the bank

Once you buy or sell a stock and it starts moving in your favor , you must have patience to hold it until there is a good reason or sufficient cause for closing the trade

I understand that a misrepresentation or omission of facts will be sufficient cause for cancellation of consideration for employment or dismissal from the pany ' s service if i have been employed

2 the financial secretary shall determine the amount of such indebtedness and any interest thereon by certificate under his hand and may for sufficient cause reduce or increase any amount so certified

He said that the emperor alexander did not regard kurakins asking for his passport a sufficient cause for war ; that kurakin had acted on his own initiative without the tsars consent ; that the tsar did not desire war , and that he had no relations with england

Where the popcy is to ‘ ports of discharge , ’ within a given area , which are not named , the ship must , in the absence of any usage or sufficient cause to the contrary , proceed to them , or such of them as she goes to , in their geographical order
若保險單載明某個區域內的“卸貨港口” ,但未載明港名,在沒有相反的習慣或充足的理由的情況下,船舶必須按照地理上的遠近順序駛抵各港口或其中幾個港口。

No membership fees are pable to be refunded unless in the opinion of the executive mittee there is good and sufficient cause to do so . the executive mittee has the right in exceptional circumstances to allow a member to pay an amount smaller than the currently payable fee

Where several ports of discharge are specified by the popcy , the ship may proceed to all or any of them , but , in the absence of any usage of sufficient cause to the contrary , she must proceed to them , or such of them as she goes to , in the order designated by the popcy

He shall also give to the missioner the particulars specified in the schedule in respect of any person who occupies the premises or dwells on board the vessel and who is aged below 15 under his guardianship or is unable to give the particulars by reason of sickness , disablement , absence or other sufficient cause

Each such person shall also give to the missioner the particulars specified in the schedule in respect of any person who occupies the premises or dwells on board the vessel and who is aged below 15 under his guardianship or is unable to give the particulars by reason of sickness , disablement , absence or other sufficient cause . ( 3 )
在占用該處所或居住在該船只上的人當中,如有任何未滿15歲且受第( 1 )款所指的人監護的人,或有任何因生病、無行為能力、不在場或其他充分因由而未能提供詳情的人,則第( 1 )款所指的人亦須就該人向處長提供附表所指明的詳情。




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