词语大全 開立信用狀的英文

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篇首语:天无一月雨,人无一世穷。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 開立信用狀的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

L / c must be opened within 10 days after conclusion of contract , otherwise this contract shall be cancelled unconditionally
簽約確定后, 10日內須開立信用狀,否則合約將無條件取消。

They had , beeen 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit ( lc ) facipties from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 25 lc to a total value of hk $ 107 milpon

They had , beeen 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit facipties from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 25 l c to a total value of hk 107 milpon
1997至1998年間,他們涉嫌向上述四間銀行申請開立信用狀時,使用虛假的交易文件,令上述銀行發出25張信用狀,涉及信貸總額達港幣1 . 07億元。

They had , beeen 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit facipties from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 l c to a total value of hk 51 milpon
1997至1998年間,他們涉嫌向上述四間銀行申請開立信用狀時,使用虛假的交易文件,令上述銀行發出16張信用狀,涉及信貸總額達港幣5 , 100萬元。

They had , beeen 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit facipties from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 22 l c to a total value of hk 102 milpon
1997至1998年間,他們涉嫌向上述四間銀行申請開立信用狀時,使用虛假的交易文件,令上述銀行發出22張信用狀,涉及信貸總額達港幣1 . 02億元。

They had , beeen 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit ( lc ) facipties from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 lc to a total value of hk $ 51 milpon
1997至1998年間,他們涉嫌向上述四間銀行申請開立信用狀時,使用虛假的交易文件,令上述銀行發出16張信用狀,涉及信貸總額達港幣5 , 100萬元。

They had , beeen 1997 and 1998 , allegedly used false supporting documents to apply for letter of credit ( lc ) facipties from the said four banks and had caused the banks to issue 16 lc to a total value of hk $ 51 milpon
1997至1998年間,他們涉嫌向上述四間銀行申請開立信用狀時,使用虛假的交易文件,令上述銀行發出16張信用狀,涉及信貸總額達港幣5 , 100萬元。




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