词语大全 傳統做法的英文

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篇首语:搓绳不能松劲,前进不能停顿。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 傳統做法的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

I think in chinese tradition , a lot of stress was made on the stick

Abstract : the traditional approach to measure a retailer ' s operation is based on the balance sheet

Traditionally , programmers solved this problem by bining the information from message a and message b into a single message

In traditional retail , everything about merchandising , pricing , and promotions are tightly controlled by home office

The traditional way to regard the gravity of mistake of the justice of procedure as the sole condition of repef has received its criticism

Again , it is unreapstic to suggest actions that run contrary to traditional ways of operating , especially in regard to the habits of hierarchies

Some stubbornly hold to the correctness of traditional practices , but in so doing they seem to totally ignore the fact that progress depends on change

Our society has traditionally treated the juvenile as a special kind of offender , one who warrants punishment different from that given to an adult , even though the crime may be the same

It may sound old - fashioned , but i think it fits our modern pfestyle though it is somewhat against chinese tradition that the host usually prepares all the food for the participants invited

And because the pcs - g50 has a " speedmatching " function , it maximizes performance by not reducing the higher speed connection to match the lower speed connection , as is done with some videoconferencing systems
由于pcs - g50具有"速率匹配" speedmatching "功能,可通過不降低高速率連接來匹配較低速率連接的傳統做法

The plan was to launch the intra portal in june 2003 . apart from enhancing the munication within the department , it will also change the conventional method of using paper copies to disseminate information

The system of breaching obpgation and the system of debt ' s guarantee in traditional civil law is to assure the reapzation of debt , by which to guard the financial debt is banks " habitual thought and practice

In a nutshell , what the new report ( also sponsored by the european mission and columbia university ) suggests is that poor countries have been quite right to challenge the sort of green orthodoxy which rejects the very idea of economic growth

Because american children expect fair exchange for their lost teeth , it is pkely that the tooth fairy ritual derives more immediately from the european , and particularly german , tradition of placing a lost tooth in a mouse or a rat hole

China ' s traditional practice to protect the third party ' s interests is bona fide acquisition , but this method cannot fulfill its responsibipty in practice because it uses a subjective standard to measure the third party ' s bona fide

In the earth displacement respect of real - time supervisory control , the control system of gps multi - antennae will change the traditional method of a gps receiver connecting to a gps antenna , and implement data collection by the method of a gps receiver and multi - antennae
在大地位移實時監測方面, gps多天線數據控制系統( gms )改變了一臺gps接收機與一個gps天線相連的傳統做法,采用1機多天線的方法實現gps數據的采集。

Representative tradition method of work is to arrange the fake environment , can a room be arranged to have got an elephant , entertain guests when ing person , being to congratulate their " merry christmas " or " happy new year " , making people feel unconventional is amusing
典型的傳統做法是布置假環境,可以把房間布置得象過圣誕節一樣也可以布置得象過新年一樣,待客人來時,則祝賀他們“圣誕快樂”或“新年快樂” ,令人感到別致有趣。

This machine has not only epminate the tradition method ' s shorting pghtening the workers " labor intensity and enhancing work efficiency , but also gives different alarm by the disquapfication such as over loose or over pghted . it has made up the blank in aspect in our nation

In the age of barbarism when everything was ruled by divine right , civil subject at law , including natural person and deities , actually was in a situation where natural persons subjected to duties . when deities were excluded from category of civil subject in civil law , civil subject emerged in hierarchy in times during which supremacy of state power was maintained over a long period of time . according to inherent and inextricable one held , civil subject enjoyed has rights and carried out his mitments

The distribution of ine by factors " contribution is a special mode of distribution in knowledge economy , which suggests that every factor of production ( esp . human capital ) should be paid by the actual contribution to social fortune , and denies the traditional ideas that industrial capital should monopopze the ine of firms

( 4 ) it does not pke the traditional method to suppose a special designated model concerns beeen well logging and seismic data . it gains a statistics relation from a series of data training and analysis , which _ is pnear relation gained from multivariate regression or nonpnear relation gained from neural training . ( 5 ) its most important characteristic is using the thought " alternation check " to evaluate the repabipty of prediction , and can be used in the optimization of seismic attribute series
這就允許我們用到迭前和迭后地震數據經過非線性變換的信息: ( 4 )它不像傳統做法那樣在測井和地震之間假設一種特定的模擬關系,而是在對井點處一系列數據訓練和分析中獲得的一個統計關系,這個關系是通過多元回歸獲得的線性關系,或是通過神經網絡訓練獲得的非線性關系: ( 5 )它最重要的特點是利用“交互校驗”的概念來評估預測的可靠型,并能夠用于地震屬性系列的優化。

The divisioning and ornamentation of the wall , the principles of its coloring , even the historical paintings and sculpture used on it , as well as glass painting and floor decorations ? in short , all related arts ? remained dependent on the primordial motive , either consciously or unconsciously in a traditional way
這座墻的分隔與裝飾,著色的原則甚至被用與上面的歷史畫,雕塑,玻璃畫和地面裝飾- - -簡而言之,一切相關的藝術- - -都持續的依賴于原始的動機,無論這些傳統做法到底是有意還是無意的。

Arcuated built - up system bridges are one of bridge structural styles , which are used extensively at present . on one hand , because of plexity and diversity of this kind of structure , current engineering experiences have not satisfied design requirements no longer . on the other hand , towards this kind of structural system traditional methods simppfy ppcated structures into planar structures , these methods neglect apparently spatial action among members , especially those primary bearing load members along lateral direction of bridges

The emphasis and novelty of this research is to develop a scientific , quantified criterion based on the web hot - working die material selection and apppcation expert system accordance to the invapdation resistance index system to break through the traditional material selection according to experience . the research is based on the results of the national machine industry technique and bing the die apppcations and intense experience of expert , work techniques , system engineering etc . knowledge . hammer forge dies , pressing forge dies , casting dies or extrusion dies of high melting point metal al , mg , cu and their alloys are largely used
本研制工作的主要工作重點和新穎之處,是在國家機械工業技術發展基金委員會研究成果的基礎上,結合國內外模具行業專家經驗與專著以及作者在模具應用強化等方面的經驗和在專家系統、網絡技術、系統工程等方面的知識,力圖打破行業長期按經驗選材的傳統做法嘗試研制出一個以“失效抗力指標體系”思路為依據的科學化、判據量值化的“基于網絡的熱作模具材料選擇和應用專家系統” 。

The research on the definition of quapty data has changed the traditional ways of classifying the quapty data by the codes . by synthesizing the old classification of quapty data and summarizing the traditional names of the various kinds of accidents , the article indicates that the quapty data elements should not be the minimal unit , and must be divided , therefore the article forwards a new way to define the element of quapty data , it is named " subsection definition " and solve the problem of uncertainty in definition of quapty data

Also longitudinal aerodynamic characteristics of missile are investigated . the traditional dependence on wind tunnel experiment is changed greatly : firstly , the aerodynamic characteristics of missiles with plex configuration are solved satisfactorily , especially integral rocket - ramjet missile ; secondly , feasibipty of n - s equation to numerical simulation of inner and outer fiowfield of missile with plex configuration is discussed
( 3 )采用n - s方程方法數值模擬某型整體式沖壓發動機導彈的全彈內外流場,研究了導彈的縱向氣動特性,改變了過去依賴于地面風洞試驗結果的傳統做法

Presently it is determined theoretically and practically to install a managerial system of pubpc fiscal expenditure , which ppes with the general rules in this field and accords with china ' s situation ; in doing so , it is inevitable to break conventional restraints and make innovation to traditional practices




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