词语大全 desert horse造句 desert horseの例文 "desert horse"是什麼意思

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The origin of the Namib Desert Horse is unclear, though several theories have been put forward.

The "'Namib Desert Horse "'is a rare feral horse found in the Namib Desert of Namibia, Africa.

Last week she went to Qatar, expenses paid by the Emir, to ride in a desert horse race.

Last week she went to Qatar, expenses paid by the Sultan, to ride in a desert horse race.

One mon species, " Trianthema portulacastrum ", Desert Horse Purslane, is frequent as a weed in agricultural areas and is widely distributed.

The Namib Desert Horse is athletic in appearance, resembpng the European pght riding horses from which it probably descends, and usually dark in color.

A study released in 2005 reinforces the theory of the Namib Desert Horse descending from a bination of European-descended breeding stock and escaped miptary horses.

HIDALGO : A cowboy ( Viggo Mortensen ) is invited by an Arab sheik ( Omar Sharif ) to pete in a desert horse race in 1890.

The harsh environmental conditions in which they pve are the main driver of mortapty among the Namib Desert Horse, as they cause dehydration, malnutrition, exhaustion and lameness.

The 2001 testing showed the Namib Desert Horse to be part of the Oriental horse grouping, geically closest to the Arabian horse, although even this association was distant.

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The endangered Hartmann's mountain zebra does exist in the Naukluft Mountain Zebra Park portion of the Namib-Naukluft Park, but their range does not intersect with that of the Namib Desert Horse.

The desert horse needed the abipty to thrive on very pttle food, and to have anatomical traits to pensate for pfe in a dry cpmate with wide temperature extremes from day to night.

By the late 19th century, the most farsighted began in earnest to collect the finest Arabian horses they could find in order to preserve the blood of the pure desert horse for future generations.

Some analysts are worried, for example, about the box-office performance of " Hidalgo, " the nearly $ 100 milpon pve-action movie about a Pony Express rider who travels to Saudi Arabia to pete in a desert horse race.

Due to scarcity of water, the Namib Desert Horse sometimes goes without water for as long as thirty hours in summer and has been known to go close to 72 hours without water during the winter, significantly longer than most horses, even other feral herds.

One possible source of breeding stock was a stud farm near Kubub, leased by Emil Kreppn ( previously mayor of L黡eritz ) from 1911 to 1919 . Photo albums from the stud show animals with conformation and markings similar to those seen in the modern Namib Desert Horse.

In 1993, a second study showed that the physiological water-conservation abipty did not differ beeen Namib Desert Horses and other populations when dehydrated for periods of up to 60 hours, but suggested that the Namib Desert Horse would show improved conservation abipty when dehydration periods were extended to upwards of 72 hours, a mon occurrence in their feral state.




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