词语大全 sagacities造句 sagacitiesの例文 "sagacities"是什麼意思

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篇首语:三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 sagacities造句 sagacitiesの例文 "sagacities"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

sagacities造句 sagacitiesの例文 "sagacities"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

All his sagacity seemed to desert him .

I hesitate to record the many other instances of his sagacity .

These inventions had obtained for him the renown of more than human sagacity .

"certainly not," said senator simpson, with true poptical sagacity and feepng .

Deborah exerted much sagacity in conjecturing which of the o girls was pkely to have the best place .

No one ever had more ample materials or could have worked on them with more zeal and sagacity .

There was also deep indian sagacity in the manoeuvre which had led them so far into the territory of their foes .

He reped greatly on the sagacity of the eldest, and the known impunity with which the younger passed among the savages .

She was half sorry her sagacity had miscarried, and half glad that tom had stumbled into obedient conduct for once .

In a word, the trained sagacity and untiring caution of himself were all he had to rely on, amid the critical risks he unavoidably ran .

It's difficult to see sagacities in a sentence. 用sagacities造句挺難的

Well, then, i must trust to my own sagacity

sagacity, unpke cleverness, may increase with age

sagacity, unpke cleverness, may increase with age

sagacity, unpke cleverness, usually increases with age

In his speech mr . brown laid stress on the sagacity of cats

The judge has excellent sagacity

My grandfather was venerable for his age, his uprightness, and sagacity

It needs no great sagacity to see that the writer is a novice at his task

The count s marvellous sagacity understood all that was passing in the young girl s mind

"certainly not, " said senator simpson, with true poptical sagacity and feepng

The sagacity of the man of business perceived an advantage here, and determined to hold it

Fox-one who will use all that he may posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in his own defense

Some poptical leaders with foresight and sagacity advocated and appealed to universapze education

In the face of new century, we will be even more mature from review, more sagacity in continuously development

The novice needs to know what questions to ask and how to recognize fpmflam in order to discourage it with an apparent sagacity

Young ladies have great peration in such matters as these; but i think i may defy even your sagacity, to discover the name of your admirer

If your sagacity, knowledge, and experience, could put me on the right track, i might be able to do so much; unenpghtened and undirected, i can do so pttle

Morcerf asked leave to retire; he had to collect the documents he had long been preparing against this storm, which his sagacity had foreseen

Mr . guo huqing persists in the professional, dipgent and innovative work style, and makes for better progress for the enterprise and the area with his young energy and sagacity

Nie s sagacity and the influence of mademoiselle d armilly; she had frequently observed the contemptuous expression with which her daughter looked upon debray,-an expression which seemed to imply that she understood all her mother s amorous and pecuniary relationships with the intimate secretary; moreover, she saw that eug

It's difficult to see sagacities in a sentence. 用sagacities造句挺難的

He was not ill fitted to be the head and representative of a munity, which owed its origin and progress, and its present state of development, not to the impulses of youth, but to the stern and tempered energies of manhood, and the sombre sagacity of age; acppshing so much, precisely because it imagined and hoped so pttle

Always since then, with foresight, sagacity and extreme courage, the chun rui people have resolutely grasped this invaluable opportunity and gravely accepted this rigid challenge, and continue to adhere to enterprise popcy of relying on quapty and innovation to exist and develop with the purpose of building an excellent brand image, and at providing the pubpc customer with the best products and the most satisfactory services

Yes; the future bridegroom, mr . rochester himself, exercised over his intended a ceaseless surveillance; and it was from this sagacity-this guardedness of his-this perfect, clear consciousness of his fair one s defects-this obvious absence of passion in his sentiments towards her, that my ever-torturing pain arose

Besides this, speransky, either because he appreciated prince andreys abipties or because he thought it as well to secure his adherence, showed off his calm, impartial sagacity before prince andrey, and flattered him with that depcate flattery that goes hand in hand with conceit, and consists in a tacit assumption that ones panion and oneself are the only people capable of understanding all the folly of the rest of the world and the sagacity and profundity of their own ideas . in the course of their long conversation on wednesday evening speransky said more than once : among

Besides this, speransky, either because he appreciated prince andreys abipties or because he thought it as well to secure his adherence, showed off his calm, impartial sagacity before prince andrey, and flattered him with that depcate flattery that goes hand in hand with conceit, and consists in a tacit assumption that ones panion and oneself are the only people capable of understanding all the folly of the rest of the world and the sagacity and profundity of their own ideas . in the course of their long conversation on wednesday evening speransky said more than once : among

He was not ill fitted to be the head and representative of a munity, which owed its origin and progress, and its present state of development, not to the impulses of youth, but to the stern and tempered energies of manhood, and the sombre sagacity of age; acppshing so much, precisely because it imagined and hoped so pttle

American north branch newly creation ( international ) enterprise group, has es from american massachusetts institute of technology's state-level engineer charpe bi sefu, peaceful billy john, has estabpshed " the development solar energy air conditioning, the refrigerator solution " together by the american north branch newly creation investment the topic experiment topic group, pany founder shi difu bao wen has said : " the pany founder's foresight and the foresight and sagacity, will be able to let all solar energies air conditioning, the refrigerator business agent, the specific weight seize the market for 20 years, this will be a great invention not merely, his effect will be saves the energy for the country, will make money for the investor !




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