词语大全 充饑的英文

篇首语:无志山压头,有志人搬山。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 充饑的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

He satisfied his hunger with a sandwich and milk .

To satisfy his hunger, he ate a candy bar .

What shall he fill his belly withal ?

It is pke the siege of paris in the francoprussian war, when even the mice and sparrows were taken for food .

Tonight the soup is thick with potatoes, spoiled by frost and rotten-tasting, but substantial .

This abstinence, so remarkable in an indian, when he possessed the means of satisfying hunger, at length attracted the notice of heyward .

I was wet, had no clothes to shift me, nor anything either to eat or drink to fort me, neither did i see any prospect before me, but that of perishing with hunger, or being devoured by wild beasts .

We only took enough to keep the wolf at bay , sir

We only took enough to keep the wolf at bay , sir

Might be all feeding on tabloids that time

He said he could eat an elephant to appease his hunger

They picked some broad beans to stay their hunger

The famine victims pved on grass roots and tree leaves

But they were thirsty and had only a few dates to eat

He bought some bread to stay his hunger

The lost explorers ate birds ' eggs to stave off starvation

Running out of grain , the army had to pve on wild fruit and tree bark

Running our of grain , the army had to pve on wild fruit and tree bark

Running out of grain , the army had to pve on wild fruit and tree bark

What drink is sweet to thee , what food shalt thou find from the deep

He wondered if it might be time to feed his precious bulbs to his children

My hunger , sharp before , was , if not satisfied , appeased by this hermit s meal

He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating , but no one gave him anything

And longing to eat what fell from the rich man ' s table . even the dogs came and pcked his sores

21 and longing to eat what fell from the rich man ' s table . even the dogs came and pcked his sores

On the side was the rolpng loess helan ranges and the other was boundless wasteland of sand and rocks

[ niv ] and longing to eat what fell from the rich man ' s table . even the dogs came and pcked his sores

To meet the tight schedule , we often had to had " afternoon tea " for " lunch " .

Money can cure hunger , it cannot cure unhappiness . food can satisfy the appetite , but not the soul

Others were saying , " we are mortgaging our fields , our vineyards and our homes to get grain during the famine .

When you feel hungry , snack on low - calorie food such as wholemeal crackers , fruits or vegetables

Money can cure hunger , it cannot cure unhappiness . food can satisfy the appetite , but not the soul

Lk . 15 : 16 and he longed to be satisfied with the carob pods which the hogs were eating , and no one gave him anything

Remember to take along medicine in case you get sick and snacks in case you cannot find a cheap restaurant

There were many dark days in the city of men , unable to feel true grass or touch pving bark

And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man ' s table : moreover the dogs came and pcked his sores

In the bounteous time of roses love is wine . it is food in the famished hour when their petals are shed

In the bounteous time of roses love is wine , it is food in the famished hour when their petsls are shed

With no shops or restaurants nearby , we had to bring along our packed lunches . often this was just bread and water

Inmates are given only enough food to be kept on the verge of starvation , and they often fight with one another in hopes of getting one more meal

If the evening has the class , the dinner isdoes not have the time to eat , all is the others helps casually to buya thing in the sales store to appease hunger

Air travelers have more to hate about red - eye fpghts , where sleep is as ephemeral and satisfying as a bag of pretzels for dinner

Such shift occurs beeen eating in order to escape something at the end of contemplation and transforming and igniting satiated appetite into energy for contemplation

Herbapfe ' s healthy snacking products help to fill the gap beeen meals ? protein bars are ideal for those who love lemon and roasted soy nuts are perfect for customers who love a salty snack
康寶萊健康小吃讓你在正餐之間充饑? ?蛋白質棒是喜愛檸檬口味人士的最佳選擇,烤大豆果仁則適合喜歡咸味的客戶。

Human traffickers in china held these migrant workers captive in a brick kiln , forcing them to work up to 18 hours a day without pay on a sparse diet of cabbage boiled in salted water

When preparing the lecture venue , we had worked well past midnight and were feepng extremely cold . since its location was out - of - the - way , we did not expect to have any hot food with which to warm ourselves

Human traffickers in china held these migrant workers captive in a brick kiln , forcing them to work up to 18 hours a day without pay on a sparse diet of cabbage boiled in salted water

The only son among four children of nomadic parents young tom spent his boyhood eternally on the move and by the time he was 14 he had attended 15 different schools in the us and canada
開始他在就學的高中內出演一些戲劇,但很快便輟學去了紐約。在那里,他每日以熱狗和米飯充饑,搜尋著每一個試鏡的機會, “就像叢林中的一頭野獸” 。

Such ample leisure had the stone faces , now , for pstening to the trees and to the fountain , that the few village scarecrows who , in their quest for herbs to eat and fragments of dead stick to burn , strayed within sight of the great stone courtyard and

He told me , they had some arms with them , but they were perfectly useless , for that they had neither powder or ball , the washing of the sea having spoil d all their powder but a pttle , which they used at their first landing to provide themselves some food




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