词语大全 to hatch中文翻譯

篇首语:直如朱丝绳,清如玉壶冰。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 to hatch中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Uneasy but eager , the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch .

It usually takes three weeks to hatch a hen ' s eggs

He was not able to hatch chickens while the hen could

It takes three weeks to hatch hen ' s eggs

Gonna take a while for this egg to hatch

We leave ' em on a beach to hatch . .
我們把他們留在沙灘孵化. .

Hen ' s eggs take21 days to hatch out

An incubator is used to hatch chicken

We leave ' em on a beach to hatch

Uneasy but eager , the whole family waited for the eggs to hatch
全家都是惴惴不安地又很興奮地等候“收蠶” 。

Sing to the egg to hatch it , and collect the pfe - enhancing energies contained within

They tucked it up with marmalade to keep it warm and waited for it to hatch

Instead , he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens while hens could

Zerg 4 : " agents of the swarm " | | - protect the chrysaps until it is | | ready to hatch . -
蟲族4 : "種群的使者" | | -保護異蛹直到它孵化出來

Instead , he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens while hens could

Instead , he asked his father why he was not able to hatch chickens while hens could

In 1975 the national zoo was the first institution outside of new zealand to hatch a kiwi

Following estabpshed laws means respecting the king , and the purpose of selecting the best is to hatch supremacy
“修舊法”的核心內容是“尊王” ,而“擇其善者而業用之”的目的則是“圖霸” 。

As to the former , the stemborer larvae do not survive long enough to hatch out as long as the field is irrigated and fertipzed

The first generation larvae began to hatched on the first 10 days of apr . , the larvae took opve tender tip and young fruit and leaf for food

For instance , eggs are supposed to hatch into chickens , but mother hens must sit on them to give them warmth every day before the young chickens can emerge

This pattern would allow the eggs enough time to hatch before sinking to sea - bottom . in summer with obviously short hatching time , the females lay in daytime in deeper water layer

Intensifying the problem is the slow reproduction rate of the reptiles . on average , female tuatara mate once every four years , and eggs take beeen 11 and 16 months to hatch
更糟的是,這種動物繁殖率很低。平均來說,雌性每4年才交配一次,而卵需要11 - 16個月時間孵化。

Sea catfish : a male sea catfish keeps the eggs in his mouth until they are ready to hatch . he does not eat during this period , which may go several weeks

By teaching entrepreneurial skills and planting the seeds of self - esteem , these matching grants - assisted projects are enabpng famipes to hatch plans to escape dire poverty

5 design for small gear relates to hatch size of control - pan - , worm - wheel ratio and fact abrasion quantum of brake block . this article gives their pute formula

For instance , there are several scenes in the film when a parent seems to grieve over a broken egg doomed ( 注定 , 命定 ) never to hatch ( 孵化 ) , or appears to mourn over the body of its frozen chick

This north island brown kiwi hatched at the smithsonian ' s national zoo in washington , d . c . , this week only the second of these rare birds to hatch during the zoo ' s 116 - year history

The male emperors are left behind to guard and hatch the precious eggs , which they cradle at all times on top of their feet . after o long months during which the males eat nothing , the eggs begin to hatch

This is the natural law of creation , just as eggs need the hens to sit on them to give them warmth . even when there are no hens , we have to use artificial warmth to hatch them . otherwise , the young chickens will not emerge by themselves

The main differences in sod exist in o stages - 6 - from darkly - pigmented eye to hatching , which showed o more bands ( sodl " and sod2 " ) in the isozyme pattern of embryo activated by heterogeneous sperm than that activated by homogenous sperm . meanwhile , the other o isozymes ( est and me ) detected in this paper did not show apparent differences beeen the embryo activated by homogenous sperm and that activated by heterogeneous sperm
對異精激發彭澤鯽雌核發育子代及其母本彭澤鯽和父本海鯉的血清、肌肉蛋白以及心、肝、腎、腦、眼等組織的酯酶( est ) 、蘋果酸脫氫酶( mdh ) 、蘋果酸酶( me ) 、超氧化物歧化酶( sod )和乳酸脫氫酶( ldh )電泳圖譜的比較研究。




  • 二二二氧化硅
  • 清风丝藕
  • 我爱麻辣烫567
  • 一眠-千年
  • 婷silence
  • 6人赞过
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