词语大全 configure reports中文翻譯

篇首语:学习是劳动,是充满思想的劳动。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 configure reports中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Configuring report server virtual directories

How to : configure report execution properties report manager

How to : view and configure report history report manager

Configuring reporting services to use a custom style sheet
將reporting services配置為使用自定義樣式表

Configure report history properties

Configuring report server security

Configure report execution properties

How to : view and configure report history management studio
如何查看和配置報表歷史記錄( management studio )

Configuring report manager to pass custom authentication cookies

Configure reports to use stored credentials to get data for the report

Configure report execution properties , report history , and report parameters

To enable other users to perform testing , you must configure report server access for those users

You can configure report data sources to always use the stored credentials of a least - privilege account

For more information about data source configuration and configuring report server connection information , see

Explains how to configure report manager to allow the transmission of additional cookies used by custom authentication extensions
介紹如何將報表管理器配置為允許傳輸自定義身份驗證擴展插件所使用的其他cookie 。

If you want to configure reporting services for inter connections , you might need to modify the report server configuration files
若要為inter連接配置reporting services ,您可能需要修改報表服務器配置文件。

If you are using a custom authentication extension , you should configure report manager to transmit custom authentication cookies
如果使用的是自定義身份驗證擴展插件,則應配置報表管理器以傳輸自定義身份驗證cookie 。

A full - featured api provides programmatic access to the control and reports so that you can configure report functionapty at run time
使用功能完備的api ,允許您以編程方式訪問控件和報表,以便在運行時配置報表功能。

Infoobject , a powerful object model for schedupng and configuring reports within the crystal reports server or businessobjects enterprise framework
Infoobject是一個功能強大的對象模型,用于在crystal reports server或businessobjects enterprise框架內計劃和配置報表。

Depending on role assignments , you can configure report manager to provide report viewing and navigation support to users who have minimal access to a report server

If you install sharepoint services first , the reporting services virtual directories will be added to the sharepoint pst of exclusions automatically when you install or configure reporting services
如果先安裝sharepoint services ,則在安裝或配置reporting services時, reporting services虛擬目錄將會自動添加到sharepoint排除列表中。

You can configure report execution , report history , and set pmits on processing time , monitor and cancel pending or in - process reports , and create and manage data source connections and schedules independently of the reports that they are associated with



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