词语大全 bain造句 bainの例文 "bain"是什麼意思

篇首语:业精于勤荒于嬉,行成于思毁于随。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 bain造句 bainの例文 "bain"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

bain造句 bainの例文 "bain"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Because there bain t so many of em , said the dairyman

Yes , abraham . bain t you glad that we ve bee gentlefolk
“我們已經成了有身分的人了,你高興嗎? ”

Bain added : " i am not aware there has been any recent inquiry .
巴恩表示: "我并不知悉最近有誰邀請杰克遜" 。

Abraham , she said to her pttle brother , do you put on your hat - you bain t afraid
“亞伯拉罕, ”她對她的小弟弟說, “把帽子戴上,害不害怕?

Equipment for mercial kitchens - thermal equipment - part 3 : bain - maries - requirements and testing

Equipment for mercial kitchens - thermal equipment - part 2 : bain - maries for keeping warm - requirements and testing

With buildings pke the casa cal bain and the casa minga , antony gaudy is credited with making great impact of image of barcelona

Sieve and fill the mixture in the caramel container , and bake in bain - marie for 30 minutes . leave to cool . invert to serve

Together with the bain co . , bovd co . , jupus mannich co . , and wright co . , they were known as the top five foreign panies in anping
,長二十英丈,寬十二英丈,與先后建立的怡記、和記、東興、 ?記,合稱安平五大洋行。

The deal is worth $ 2 . 2bn in cash . bain will take a stake of more than 80 per cent , while huawei ' s ownership will remain below 20 per cent , insiders said
據內部人士透露,這筆交易的金額為現金22億美元。貝恩將控制80 %以上的股權,而華為的股權將保持在20 %以下。

It's difficult to see bain in a sentence. 用bain造句挺難的

The pop star was acquitted in june of child molestation charges in capfornia after a five - month trial . bain added : " i am not aware there has been any recent inquiry .
當時,這位流行歌王被指控"猥褻兒童" ,在加州經歷了長達5個月的審訊,并于六月份被宣布無罪釋放。

Jackson spokeswoman raymone k . bain said that " about a year ago , jackson was contacted by the vatican to work on some music . because he was in trial at the time , he was not able to focus on it .
杰克遜的女發言人雷蒙k巴恩說: "一年前,梵蒂網曾經聯系杰克遜制作音樂,但他當時正在受審,沒有把精力放在這件事上。

He started his career in u . s . working for intel corporation as senior design engineer . after graduating from stanford business school , he worked as a strategic management consultant for bain pany
1978年他在美國intelcorporation出任高級設計工程師,開展個人事業的第一頁;在美國史丹福商學院畢業后,楊先生曾于bain & pany擔任策略管理顧問。

He started his career in u . s . working for intel corporation as senior design engineer . after graduating from stanford business school , he worked as a strategic management consultant for bain & pany
1978年他在美國intelcorporation出任高級設計工程師,開展個人事業的第一頁;在美國史丹福商學院畢業后,楊先生曾于bain & pany擔任策略管理顧問。

Many foreign scholars have studied natural monopoly of telemunication industry and other industries for over 100 years . bain , george stigler , laffont and tirole are some of the most famous foreign scholars in this field

" stagnant architectural structures need content in the form of entertainment to revive them and that ' s where michael jackson will play an integral role , " the statement said . jackson ' s pubpcist , raymone k . bain , could not be reached for ment monday
該公司在聲明中說: “以呆板的建筑業務為基礎的組織需要活躍的娛樂項目來使之復興,而杰克遜在這兒將有一個全方位的展示機會。 ”

He continued to his wife , with the stopd mien of a man who understood nothing of the emotions relating to matrimony - now , christianer , that shows that folks should never fancy other folks be supposing things when they bain t

At the beginning this paper analyses the source of enterprise ' s petition advantage and retrospects critically the pattern of masson - bain and porter ' s theory of industrial organization . then the author demonstrates enterprise ' s petition advantage is based on core petence

At that time , there were 5 biggest foreign panies the tait co . , the bain co . , bovd co . , jupus mannich co . and wright co . . until 1893 , it was said to be the most prosperous 30 years . after taiwan was ceded to japen in 1895 , the japanese government took back the monopoly for opium and camphor and only left sugar to them

Many economists , from adam smith , carl marx , marshall to bain , galbraith and chandler , have treatises on the tendency of enterprises " being larger . in more than o hundred years , we can see the track of their thought in their respective works : the wealth of the nations , principles of economics , the theory of industrial organization , monopoly and economic concentration , and visible hand
關于企業大型化的趨勢從亞當?斯密開始,經馬克思、馬歇爾、到貝恩、加爾布雷斯和小艾爾弗雷德?錢德勒,二百多年來,國外學者論著眾多,我們可以從《國富論》 、 《資本論》 、 《經濟學原理》 、 《產業組織論》 、 《新產業國家》和《看得見的手》等系列文獻中看到他們的理論思想軌跡。

The modern industrial organization approach , represented by harvard university ' s mason and bain and based on the price theory of neo - classical school , divides industry into specific markets with positive research as the main means , forming an analytical framework of market structure , market conduct and market performance , with both concrete process and systematic logic setup . this approach provides theoretical foundation and study path for the concrete analysis of the positive study on individual industry , esp
我國證券市場交易成本制度研究? ?關于中國證券市場的scp分析框架以哈佛大學的梅森( mason )和貝恩( bain )等人為代表的現代產業組織理論,以新古典學派的價格理論為基礎,以實證研究為主要手段,把產業分解成特定的市場,構造了一個既深入具體環節、又有系統邏輯體系的市場結構( structure ) ? ?市場行為( conduct ) ? ?市場績效( performance )的分析框架(簡稱scp框架) 。

To improve understanding of the processes of heterogeneous land surface - atmosphere interaction , the utipzation of satelp te remote sensing is indispensadle . in this paper , with the aid of satelpte remote sensing and fiend observational data which observed during intensive observation of huaihe river bain energy and water cycle experiment hubex in 1998 , the surface albedo , ndvi normapzed difference vegetaton index and surface temperature in regional scale of hubex could be derived . then , the distribution of regional energy balance ponents could be estimated . this wor provided the physical foundation for the numerical simulation of the huaihe river basin energy and water pro cesses , and is important for us to further analyze the regional distribution of surface characteristic parameters ad energy balance ponents with the change of the weather situation in hubex in 1998 . our work is still in a developing stage , some methods of retrieval in the paper should be improved further
利用1998年淮河流域加密觀測試驗hubex iop期間的資料,進行淮河流域能量平衡的參數化方案的研究,用noaa衛星的avhrr資料建立了試驗區地表特征參數及能量平衡各分量的參數化方程,并對衛星遙感反演結果和試驗觀測值進行了對比,為淮河流域能量和水循環的數值模擬提供了物理依據。

Represented by mason and bain of harvard university , the scp cycle is the analytical paradigm of the mainstream industrial organization theory . with the basis of the price theory of the neo - classical school and the division of the industry into specific markets , the detailed and systematic scp framework , an analytical framework of market structure , market conduct and market performance , adopts the main method of empirical research
Scp循環是主流產業組織理論的分析范式,以哈佛大學的梅森( mason )和貝恩( bain )等人為代表,以新古典學派的價格理論為基礎,以實證研究為主要手段,把產業分解成為特定的市場,構造了一個既深入具體環節、又有系統邏輯體系的市場結構( structure ) ? ?市場行為( conduct ) ? ?市場績效( performance )的分析框架(簡稱scp框架) 。

It's difficult to find bain in a sentence. 用bain造句挺難的




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