词语大全 buying habit中文翻譯

篇首语:勇气是控制恐惧心理,而不是心里毫无恐惧。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 buying habit中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Do a survey of consumer buying habits
(做一個有關消費者購買習慣的調查。 )

Intelpgent miner will derive some association rules you can use to further understand a customer s buying habits
Intelpgent miner將派生出一些關聯規則,您可以使用它們來深入了解顧客的購買習慣。

By 1930 , standard job apppcation forms included a blank for blood type , and today market researchers use it to predict buying habits , and ordinary people use it to choose friends and romantic partners
O型的人頑固沖動。作為補償的氣質,是對他們的朋友很忠誠。 ab型的人猶豫不決愛挑剔。

By 1930 , standard job apppcation forms included a blank for blood type , and today market researchers use it to predict buying habits , and ordinary people use it to choose friends and romantic partners

Using a websphere merce analyzer data mart and db2 intelpgent miner for data , you can understand , interpret , and forecast interesting pieces of information about your customers buying habits
使用websphere merce analyzer數據集市和db2 intelpgent miner for data ,您可以理解、解釋并預測關于顧客購買習慣信息的感興趣部分。

Researchers used a seven - item questionnaire to determine whether people felt a need to spend money , whether they were aware that their spending behavior was aberrant , whether they bought things to improve their mood and whether their buying habits had led to financial problems



  • 陈以泉
  • GaffeyX
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