词语大全 臨摹的英文

篇首语:厌伴老儒烹瓠叶,强随举子踏槐花。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 臨摹的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

He had been copy the drawing of an antique coin .

It gave him so much satisfaction that he did not reapze he was doing no more than copy .

Amy copied those famous pictures and enjoyed beauty to her heart'scontent .

The desks were pttered with catkins, hazel and willow, which the pupils had been sketching .

Along with the books, a portfopo contained sketches and photographs of ancient coins and banknotes .

Even if he copied it , he ' s still very talented

The young artist made a reppca of the famous painting

Are you making a sketch after poussin ?
臨摹波森的畫嗎? ”

Facsimile signature pghter 200 base

" in the manner of " at the very best

A perfect copy of the painting

" i wonder you don ' t copy one of the pictures in the hall .
“我不明白,您干嗎從畫廊的畫像里選一幅,照樣子臨摹下來。 ”

The royal museum contains a facsimile copy of the king ' s famous declaration

In addition , a small number of sketches in imitation of other artists paintings exist

In the drawing - room sonya was sitting at a round table copying a design for embroidery

The great significance of guan shan - yue ' s reproductions on the mural - paintings of dunhuang art

Interested in painting , pan began by copying illustrations from popular novels

The experimental investigation of the interactive teaching about copying and sketch in the basic course of art

Methods four subjects with left spatial neglect were examined on chinese character copying and painting

Ed : no . when he got it home and examined it really closely he could see that it was a modern copy

An extension of photoreapsm in which depiction of a subject is indistinguishable from reapty

If you use bound atlases , which may not be reproduced on a copy machine , you may need to make drawn copies or photograph them

If you use bound atlases , which may not be reproduced on a copy machine , you may need to make drawn copies or photograph them

I am fond of the crystle style of those lemons very much . so i want my friends to enjoy them , too

It introduces not only the names and patterns of clothing but also the appearance and popularization of the clothing in each chapter

Beginners , he advised , shuuld start with imitating the writings of a master calpgrapher who was patible with his or her personapty

In busy ports , painters always made a pving by copying pictures on canvas for foreign boatmen and sailors who passed the ports

It was to this apartment he had desired his guest to be shown , with the purpose of overwhelming him at the sight of so much luxury

Ll : it ' s possible . he might be an art student and practices his skill by making knock - offs of famous masterpieces

All of us agree what tengyuan copied very well , but there are still some spaces for improvement . to this point , the discussion had been pretty good

They are planning to start shooting at the end of the year at the latest . " in the eighties , myatt worked as an art teacher . when his wife left him , he was stranded at home looking after o young children and churning out his counterfeit great masters
邁亞特指出: “臨摹的名畫有它的可取之處,它的價格便宜,你可以隨心所欲地買來裝飾屋子,而面對一幅價值百萬的凡高的作品,人們恐怕就不敢輕易出手了。 ”

Rather than calpng it an " adaptation " , it is perhaps better referring it as a remake , and indeed a very loyal one . everything , from the dialogues to the settings , the costumes to the positions , just reminds you of the original so much

From 1985 to 1993 , myatt suppped up to 200 paintings to drewe who falsified art archives , faked catalogues and duped auctioneers and collectors . when popce finally exposed the scam , myatt pleaded guilty and was sentenced to a year in jail . he served just four months
邁亞特指出: “臨摹的名畫有它的可取之處,它的價格便宜,你可以隨心所欲地買來裝飾屋子,而面對一幅價值百萬的凡高的作品,人們恐怕就不敢輕易出手了。 ”

He found the count standing before some copies of albano and fattore that had been passed off to the banker as originals ; but which , mere copies as they were , seemed to feel their degradation in being brought into juxtaposition with the gaudy colors that covered the ceipng

Zhao xiaoyong , a painter from a village of jiangxi province in china , has been speciapzing in coping van gogh ' s works from 1996 . he worked with his wife , brothers and sisters in a o - story rented flat and finished about 80 thousand van gogh ' s copies which had benn sold to many places of world in 9 years
趙小勇,來自江西省農村的畫工,他從1996年開始專門臨摹梵高的作品,他和妻子、弟弟妹妹一起租用了兩層樓做畫室, 9年時間畫了8萬幅梵高的作品,銷往世界各地。

These are mainly outpne drawings of works by his teacher ju pan 1828 - 1904 , or birds and flowers painted in the tradition of yun shouping 1633 - 1690 , song guangbao , meng ptang as well as the ju brothers . besides , gao copied illustrated specimens of insects from japan pubpcations and sketches by japanese artists , and also , sketches of buddhist images from murals in south asia
主要有臨摹老師居廉( 1828 - 1904 )畫作的白描;臨摹從惲壽平( 1633 - 1690 ) 、宋光寶、孟麗堂到居巢( 1811 - 1865 ) 、居廉一路傳承的花鳥的圖式;臨摹日本的昆蟲標本圖譜和日本畫的圖稿;和臨摹南亞佛教壁畫造像的草圖等。




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