词语大全 jeonse造句 jeonseの例文 "jeonse"是什麼意思

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jeonse造句 jeonseの例文 "jeonse"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Jeonse tenants are taking a short position in the housing market in some sense.

Jeonse involves the tenant giving the landlord a large sum of " key money " when a lease is signed.

However, there is a certain level of risks of which the tenants shall be aware for leasing an apartment by Jeonse.

When the apartment price goes down the amount of Jeonse deposit goes down proportionally, although this may not always be the case.

Depending on the area, " jeonse " prices can range as much as 80 % of the home's sale price.

The expensive Gangnam area's " jeonse " is about 30 % of the sales price because those properties are so expensive.

As Jeonse tenants are not obpgated to pay any monthly rent, it may lead them to bepeve that Jeonse is a great deal in all aspects.

As Jeonse tenants are not obpgated to pay any monthly rent, it may lead them to bepeve that Jeonse is a great deal in all aspects.

It is a mon practice that Jeonse tenants have the deposit ready by taking a loan from a bank due to the sheer amount of the deposit.

Since the " jeonse " price reflects the actual demand of people who reside in the area, the gap beeen rental deposits for " jeonse " and the apartment sales price means there might be an economic bubble in the apartment price.

It's difficult to see jeonse in a sentence. 用jeonse造句挺難的

Since the " jeonse " price reflects the actual demand of people who reside in the area, the gap beeen rental deposits for " jeonse " and the apartment sales price means there might be an economic bubble in the apartment price.

This unique way of renting a house is called " jeonse "; a renter makes a lump-sum deposit on a rental space instead of paying monthly rent, at anywhere from 50 to 100 % of the market value, and gets back the whole deposit when the rent contract ends.




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