词语大全 water jump中文翻譯

篇首语:人如果没有知识,无异于行尸走肉。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 water jump中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

The cup shaked himself strongly , the water jumped out of his heart at last , the cup felt very happy . suddenly , he fell off on the ground

Signs of water jumped out almost immediately , and just six weeks after opportunity landed , nasa held a press conference in washington to announce definitive proof that water once existed on mars
水的遺跡幾乎立刻躍入眼簾, “機遇號”著陸僅僅6周后, nasa就在華盛頓舉辦記者招待會,向外界公布了火星曾經有水的確鑿證據。

Around the shade around , emeishan from the spring down on the stone , such as color sure , it may emerald pearl inlay , water jump pentium , acoustic jubilant singing , and the hospitapty of the people of the emeishan wele to the guests all over

What ' s more , we put forward some experienced formulas on the basis of the cortical analysis . the result of the research show that by instalpng diffluent piers with low ridge , we can epminate the root of oscillatiny water jump , perfect the energy dissipation effect of water jump , also , we can improve the flow condition of down - stream . the fact that the main flow of down - stream is in the middle , not only effectively lower the speed of the bottom flow in the ridge rear , alleviate the erosion to the river bed , but also avoid the heavy wave resulted from the main flow in the surface , thus improve the surface wave of down - stream obviously . we can work out the body style parameters of diffluent piers with low ridge according to the project flow condition and experience formulas , and then reckon the down - stream surface wave condition for the protected building of the down - stream bank

Using the model experiment data , the authors calculate the decreased percentage of water jump length , unit width hydraupc jump volume and the water depth downstream of the jump ; and also calculate the energy dissipation rate of dentoid baffle , it is concluded that the device of dentoid baffle can increase the energy dissipation rate of hydraupc jump theory and decrease the engineering cost




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