词语大全 water hyacinth中文翻譯

篇首语:你最愿意做的那件事,才是你真正的天赋所在。本文由GUIDE信息网(baiduseoguide.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 water hyacinth中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

Advances on studies of control of water hyacinth

Design of a small - typed machinery for a long - term and effective removal of water hyacinth

The study of a specious invasive plant , water hyacinth eichhornia crassipes : achievements and challenges

The phytoremediation efficiency of a pesticide by plants might be water hyacinth > canna > willow > tea plant

The order of uptake amount of a same pesticide by plants was water hyacinth > rice > canna > taro > alpgator > willow > tea plant , and the uptake of dimethoate was greater than that of dicofol

There were no visible morphological change in water hyacinth exposed to a mixture of ethion , dicofol , fenvalerate , fenpropathrin , deltamethrin , and cyhalothrin with the concentrations of 0 . 01 mg / l , 0 . 1 mg / l , and 1 mg / l , but the fresh biomasses were increased by 49 . 79 % , 40 . 34 % , and 83 . 88 % respectively pared to those planted in water solutions without pesticides
植物在5mg kg三氯殺螨醇及50mg kg和5mg kg樂果的環境中生長良好。動力學研究結果表明,植物對有機農藥的凈化過程符合一級動力學反應。鳳眼蓮對水溶液中有機農藥的凈化效率很高。

The removal dynamics of pesticides by plants was corresponded with the first order kiic reaction . the half pves of dimethoate , malathion , and methyl parathion with a concentration of 10 mg / l , ethion , dicofol , and cyhalothrin with a concentration of 1 mg / l in 250 ml planted with 10 - 11 g water hyacinth were 236 hrs , 77 hrs , 25 hrs , 65 hrs , 62hrs , and 80 hrs , and those in unplanted water solutions were 338 hrs , 274 hrs , 226 hrs , 236 hrs , 114 hrs , and 365 hrs respectively
濃度分別為10mg l的樂果、馬拉硫磷和甲基對硫磷及png l乙硫磷、三氯殺螨醇和三氟氯氰菊酯250ml在104鳳眼蓮培養液中的半衰期為236hr 、 77br 、 25hr 、 65hr 、 62hr和80hr ,而無鳳眼蓮對照培養液中的半衰期分別為338hr 、 274hr 、 226hr 、 236hr 、 114hr和365hr ,其降解速率分別提高了43




  • JK恶灵学姐
  • Tybxly
  • cms147
  • 乱陌夕1314
  • 真的没问题吧
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